The UAW has expanded its walkout to another GM manufacturing facility- one that it previously said it wouldn’t touch. Buckle up because we’ve got some turbo-charged updates on the UAW strike that’s been revving engines and raising eyebrows across the automotive world. If you’ve been following our previous coverage, you know this strike has been a rollercoaster ride. But now, things are getting real at GM’s Arlington Assembly Plant in Texas.

General Motors Arlington, TX Facility from a birdseye view
General Motors Arlington Assembly Plant that manufactures the Chevrolet Tahoe, Suburban, GMC Yukon, and Cadillac Escalade

The Latest Walkout: Arlington Assembly Plant

The UAW has just thrown down the gauntlet at GM’s Arlington facility, where your beloved full-size SUVs like the Chevrolet Tahoe, Suburban, GMC Yukon, and the Cadillac Escalade are assembled. According to NBC News, around 5,000 employees have walked off the job. That’s right, 5,000! This plant is a big deal because it’s where all of GM’s full-size internal combustion SUVs are worked on.

UAW Is Applying Financial Torque

Now, let’s talk numbers. On the same day as this walkout, GM reported its Q3 results. The strike has already cost GM a whopping $800 million in pretax profits.  But hold your horses; GM’s quarterly adjusted earnings and revenue were still better than what Wall Street had predicted.

UAW President Shawn Fain made it clear: “Another record quarter, another record year. As we’ve said for months: record profits equal record contracts.” The union is demanding their slice of the pie, especially after GM disclosed that the ongoing strike has already cost them a whopping $800 million in lost production

General Motors Gasoline Powered Full-Size SUV Factory Will See $500+ Million Investment
General Motors Arlington Assembly Line

General Motors Response

GM, for its part, is not thrilled. They stated they were “disappointed” by the UAW’s move. “Last week, we provided a comprehensive offer to the UAW that increased the already substantial and historic offers we have made by approximately 25% in total value,” said the company.

The Bigger Picture

This is another gear shift in the ongoing strike saga involving GM, Stellantis, and Ford. The UAW is now moving at a faster pace to push for a new contract. They’re seeking annual pay raises of more than 40% over a four-year contract, a shorter workweek, improved pensions, better healthcare, and an end to wage and benefit tiers.

So, what does this mean for you, the GM truck aficionado? Well, if you’ve been eyeing that new Escalade or Tahoe, you might want to hit the brakes. With the strike affecting GM’s most profitable plant, we could be looking at delays and possibly even higher prices.