After our story yesterday detailing how General Motors is selling data collected about how you drive your vehicle to insurance companies, who then use that data against you to raise your premiums, we wanted to give a step-by-step guide on how to opt out of OnStar’s Smart Driver Program and GM’s data collection program. We also give you information on how to request what data GM has sent to the two brokers who provide your data to insurance companies.


Opt-Out Of OnStar Smart Driver

General Motors OnStar Smart Driver program is currently one of the ways the company collects driving data from customers. That doesn’t mean it’s the only way and we’re unsure if opting out of Smart Driver prevents the sharing of driving data, but we feel it’s a good first step.

A screen shot of the "Smart Driver" feature toggle inside of the myGMC App. Our app had defaulted to "enabled" despite never opting in to the feature. 
A screen shot of the “Smart Driver” feature toggle inside of the myGMC App. Our app had defaulted to “enabled” despite never opting in to the feature.

It’s important to note- even if you don’t have an active OnStar Subscription or Account- Smart Driver may still be enabled!

Step One: Log Into your vehicle smartphone app (myChevrolet, myGMC, myBuick, or myCadillac) or the OnStar Website
Step Two:  Click your name at the top right of the app or website.
Step Three: On the app- click “Settings” at the bottom of the expanded menu. On the website, click “account”
Step Four: On the app- click “OnStar Smart Driver” – On the website, click “Data & Privacy” then “OnStar Smart Driver” and “Manage Settings”
Step Five: On the app- toggle the “Allow OnStar Smart Driver” button to off – On the website, select “opt-out” for each vehicle you have an onstar account with.

Opt-Out of General Motors Data Collection / Privacy Request Form

The types of data you can request and/or opt out of from General Motors varies considerably depending on which state you reside in.
The types of data you can request and/or opt out of from General Motors varies considerably depending on which state you reside in.

General Motors has a separate Data Collection and Privacy Request Form, differenant than OnStar. It includes more data, like your contact information and marketing data. Unfortunatly, depending on which state you reside in, your options to request your data and or information is removed varies.

Visit the General Motors Consumer Privacy Request Website and follow the directions depending on your state.

Request Your Data Report from LexisNexis

You can request a copy of the data shared with Nexis Lexis, but the process is convoluted and requires both online and by mail responses.
You can request a copy of the data shared with Nexis Lexis, but the process is convoluted and requires both online and by mail responses.

The first company that General Motors sells your information and vehicle data to is Lexis Nexus.

Who is NexisLexis? It’s essential to recognize the vast capabilities and implications of companies like LexisNexis. Specializing in legal, regulatory, and business information, LexisNexis aggregates a wide array of data, including public records and personal information, which can be a concern for individuals wary of how their data, potentially including vehicle-related information, is accessed and utilized.

Request Your LexisNexis Data at their website HERE

You can fill out the online form or print a paper version and mail it to LexixNexis. The company will then mail you paperwork to finish the process.

Request Your Data Report from Verisk

The Verisk website for requesting your vehicle data report
The Verisk website for requesting your vehicle data report

The second company that General Motors sells your information and vehicle data to is Verisk.

Who is Verisk? Verisk Analytics is a data analytics and risk assessment firm that gathers and analyzes vast amounts of data, including detailed information on vehicle histories, insurance claims, and driving records. While Verisk plays a pivotal role in the insurance and financial services sectors by providing insights that help assess and mitigate risk, its extensive data collection practices raise important considerations for vehicle owners concerned about their personal information’s security and privacy. The depth of data Verisk can access, including potentially sensitive vehicle-related information, highlights the importance of robust data protection strategies and the need for consumers to be informed about how their data is used and shared in the broader data analytics ecosystem.

Request Your Verisk Data at their website HERE

Click “Driving Behavior Data Disclosure Form” and complete the relevant details. It’s important to note the information you need to provide is quite invasive. You can alternatively fill out the form as a PDF and mail it to Verisk

What information do you get back from LexisNexis and Verisk?

We’ve submitted our requests to these companies and will share with you what data we get back once we get it. We’re unsure of the timeframe this process will take.