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My other vehicle is GM too!


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when did they change from their "pumpkin" color????

Actually they haven't. This paint scheme ran from around '93 to '98. Then they started with the Orange and Green, then the Orange, Yellow, and Silver. I could be a year off. I wanted to get a newer MAC in the shot but sometimes these coal sets will keep the same power for a while. I also got tired of Driving all the way to the other end of the yard when I get off work just to see if an older engine has been repainted. So I settled for this one.  ???

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Heyyyyy my dad worked for BN for 23 years! How do you like it? he loved going to work, although I think he was gone 3 out 4 days 90% of the time.... Good money if I remember right!


it's good to see the old engines, I remember when I was a kid "sneaking" on and getting flares (we used them to start camp fires)...hehe good ol days!

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Great pic, I work for BNSF out of Silsbee Tx.  brakeman/conductor 2 years,10 years in MOW before that. Where you working now If you dont mind me asking.Im not shure If heard of Griggsvile as being a terminal or not Im not to familiar with Il. area.

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Great pic, I work for BNSF out of Silsbee Tx.  brakeman/conductor 2 years,10 years in MOW before that. Where you working now If you dont mind me asking.Im not shure If heard of Griggsvile as being a terminal or not Im not to familiar with Il. area.

Hired out in '97 in Beardstown IL and worked out of there mostly. Home terminal now is West Quincy MO. We go to Burlington IA. and ST Louis. I also worked Galesburg IL for about 6 mos. Going to Creston IA, Chicago, Peoria, West Quincy, and LaCrosse WI.

Where do Silsbee's pool's go?

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