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Big Truck!


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Jon - I think those tires would fit on your truck if you turn the torsion bars just a little!  I think there's free shipping on them too from BIG AZZ TIRES, INC. -  ;)

You think so???  :P   I don't know if I have a long enough wheelbase for them, I could probably get away w/ just one on each side and my truck suspended in the middle.

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Guest SiiLT_old
ill sell u some of those tires for $500,000 each + $1,500 S&H  :D

Paco, I am interested in those tires!!  I want to put them on my camaro!  I went to your site though and i couldnt find them!  Does the .05% count on those to?  That would be quite a bit of money off of 500 grand. :P  You need to add them to your catalog!

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