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Lowering a 2500HD 4X4

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Hi all,


Would like to lower my 03 2500HD 4X4.

Is this doable? If so, I would appreciate

any info or advice you can offer. Thanks






My only question is why?






I echo that sentiment. If you wanted to lower a truck, why wouldn't you get a half-ton?







echoed again...why???

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I just dont understand lowering a HD 4x4.




I didn't expect the curiosity to be of more interest than my call for help.

Guess I should have given my reason for wanting to lower my 2500HD 4X4.


I need the 4X4 for the obvious reasons: snow and muddy campgrounds.

I need the 2500HD for the 8.1L engine/Allison transmission and load capacity.

I need to lower it a bit for bed clearance when pulling my 5th wheel trailer.


I've found some shackles for dropping the rear, but can't locate any torsion keys to drop the front.


I could still use some info concerning the torsion keys.

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Lowering the front by turning the bars down will make you bottom out real easy and lowering will decrease your load carry capacity, plus I cant understand why anybody would want to lower a 4x4 anyway, and lowering for bed clearance when pulling your 5th wheel trailer I just dont understand that one.

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Lowering the front by turning the bars down will make you bottom out real easy and lowering will decrease your load carry capacity, plus I cant understand why anybody would want to lower a 4x4 anyway, and lowering  for bed clearance when pulling your 5th wheel trailer I just dont understand that one.





That's my thought. I've never seen a new camper that has an issue with bed clearance. You only need 3-4 inches, and it's easier just to do:

1. spring-over swap on your trailer

2. shackles on your trailer

Both these will require you to adjust your hitch up and down, but it's probably easier and less costly than lowering your truck, and won't lead to increased wear on your front suspension.

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