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All these recent posts on different waxes

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:confused: Thanks guys. Keep reminding me that I really need to get my vehicles cleaned and waxed. Now if one of you'd just volunteer to do my truck.. :confused:


seriously though. I have two questions:


1) Since I need to wax my truck this weekend (assuming no rain), since Zaino is both relatively expensive AND only available by order (for me), and since Meguire's NXT is still a cleaner wax, does anyone have a recommendation for a relatively good NON-cleaner wax that I can get at a local source (whether auto parts store, Wally's World, or whatever)?


2) What do the rest of you do about area at the back of the cab / front of the bed, where it's nearly impossible to reach? I know it gets dirty. The best I've been able to do so far is hit as much as I can with the soap from my pressure washer then rinse it down. I know nobody can really see the finish in that area, but is there a possibility of rust in these areas where we can't get to? Am I just worrying for nothing and should just hit as far as I can reach with the wash mit / spray washer / wax applicator and move on?


Oh, and after seeing some of the rides here I'm gonna have to get a clay bar kit before I do my wax job. Too much shine and I know my Arrival Blue has the same potential. :tear:

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I've used both Zaino and Meguiars products. I'm not sure how many cleaners(if any) are in NXT. I know Meguiars specifically makes a cleaner wax called same. I've used their Gold Class with good results, and started using NXT last summer. It goes on easy and doesn't leave a messy residue. I was happy with the Zaino when I tried it too. I guess a lot of it is your personal preference. I know I'm the same way with tire dressing...try something new every so often.

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Thanks for the replies I've received so far, and keep em coming. :fume:


It's calling for rain here Thursday (and possibly Friday), but the weekend is supposed to be pretty now. So I'll be out shopping for a non-cleaner wax and clay bar between now and then so I can hopefully get some good shine on my truck. :D

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