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Gear Vendors Overdrive


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  • 1 month later...



I don;t have a gearVendors but I have friend wh did on his Subarban and he liked it. There are a couple of guys on The DieselPage and The Diesel Place that have them are they seem to love it.


Hope this helps.

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  • 11 months later...

I do not have any information but after checking out their site, I also would be interested in people views / opinion on the Gear Vendors unit. I love my truck there there are times when I wish there was another gear. When I tow, Drive or 3rd gear is too low and OD or 4th gear is slightly high sometimes. It would be nice to have that in between gear. The same applies to when I am not towing. That extra overdrive would help out tremendously in MPG's while on the interstate.

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