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4X4 issue on a 2000 Tahoe

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First post so be gentle...


I presently own a 2000 Tahoe and am trying to sell it due to many broken items that have occurred over the last two months. I have 60,000 miles and have only used 4 wheel once last year. The issue is this. I am having problems with engaging it into 4 wheel drive. The push button switch was flickering so I replaced it. The dealer that I saw for my trade in said I needed to replace the transfer case and the differenial as well as other items before they would consider the trade. Part of me thinks their estimate was high because the screaming deal on the new truck.


Regardless, I have a hard time thinking it is the transfer case since it drive fine in 2 wheel drive. What I do hear when I push the button is that it does engage at the transfer case, but hear a tremendous metal to metal pounding towards the front of the car. I noticed the front wheels not moving when I was stuck 2 weeks ago and on dry pavement, it will move very slowly. It is a slow jerking motion. There is plenty of fluid in the front diff.


Any suggestions? Could the solenoid at the front diff. cause this or do you think the diff. is the problem? Front U joint? I really am out of ideas.


Thanks for answering this newbie's question,


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Hi copasspupil, I have a 2000 Chevy Tahoe and I'm having the same problems too. I have had the problem looked at twice and the mechanics can't find anything wrong with it. The Service 4X4 Drive light comes on randomly and I think the problem might be an electrical problem for some reason now. When I'm driving I sometimes notice that the 2WD light isn't on even though I'm in that mode. I have tried to switch it to 4X4 while I'm in the 2 WD mode with the light off and nothing happens. But in the last few months I have figured out that if I hit and bang on the area where the push buttons are located that the 2WD light turns on again and I'm then able to switch into that mode with no problem.


I'm curious about that metal grinding problem your talking about though. I hear something that sounds like metal grinding on metal when I'm driving about 43 mph exactly. It's kind of an annoying sound and I don't know what's causing it. My mom drove the car for the first year we had it since I only had my learners permit and wasn't able to drive yet and my mom drove in 3rd all the time because she thought the D was overdrive and 3rd drive. I'm kind of wondering if maybe this contributed to the cause of the problem too because I never recall it making that sound when we first bought it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

gents, could it be the front axle is not engaging properly? they use a heat generated coupler (that's why it takes a few moments to fully engage) and they often fail. Several owners i know of w./ the tahow went with a posi-lock device that eliminates the heat generated engagement device and replaces it with a cable actuator-- this wya no guess work-- its either in or out.

just an idea...



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gents, could it be the front axle is not engaging properly?  they use a heat generated coupler (that's why it takes a few moments to fully engage)  and they often fail.  Several owners i know of w./ the tahow went with a posi-lock device that eliminates the heat generated engagement device and replaces it with a cable actuator-- this wya no guess work-- its either in or out. 

just an idea...







2000 tahoes use an electric front diff actuator not the heated pellet type found on late 90's trucks

slow engagement is not an issue with these units

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