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'93 FS Blazer - Transfer case GURGLING?

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That's what it sounds like; gurgling. Like my stomach before lunch. It only does it on acceleration, but I'd like to figure out what it is (water in the system? low on oil?) and fix it. Does anyone know where the plug is for the transfer case in this truck? What's the capacity? I have a Haynes manual but it doesn't say diddly squat in it. :thumbs:

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That's what it sounds like; gurgling. Like my stomach before lunch. It only does it on acceleration, but I'd like to figure out what it is (water in the system? low on oil?) and fix it. Does anyone know where the plug is for the transfer case in this truck? What's the capacity? I have a Haynes manual but it doesn't say diddly squat in it. :)

Check in Chapter 1 - Tune-up and routine maint....at least thats where it is in my Haynes manual for my pick-up. I dont know the exact amount of fluid it holds, but you check it by pulling the fill plug on the side of the tranafer case , the lubricant level should be just at the bottom of the fill plug hole...

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