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Camshaft Recommendations

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Topic says it all.


The truck is becoming more of a trail rig, and is becoming more and more used off road where I need lower-rpm, low speed torque.


I'd ideally like a cam that builds good torque down low yet yeilds power in the 3500-5000 rpm range.


I'm liking the looks of this one:

Comp Cams Extreme Energy 4x4


* Advertised duration: 262 intake/270 exhaust

* Duration at .050 in. cam lift: 218 intake/226 exhaust

* Gross valve lift: .462 in. intake/.480 in. exhaust

* Lobe separation: 111 degrees

* RPM range: 1,300-5,600

* Excellent response, good mid range, noticeable idle


Thanks for any input!

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The cam that you have describe sounds very respectable, however, for low end torque with some upper end, i would try a 210 on intake and 218 on exhaust or something like that with the same about on lift. Also, the intake runner on the heads will effect your low end torque. If you run a 180 cc, the cam you described would be perfect, however, if you go to 195cc, a cam like I have describe will be more effective down low.

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