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Allison Trouble?

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Having owned my HD for almost 4 weeks now, I decided to have an exhaust shop give me a quote on a new cat-back system. Well, the shop employee drove my

truck into the bay and onto the hoist. We looked at the truck and I decided that it was to much $$ for me right now to spend and he lowered my truck. He then got in it to back it out, put it in Reverse, and nothing. The truck wouldn't budge. It would go forward, but not backward. So, I told him to get out and let me try it. Same thing, it wouldn't back up. He then got another employee to help him push it out of the shop. After coasting backward, I put it in Drive and limped forward enough to get out of the way. I then let the engine idle in Park while I made a couple of phone calls(one for a ride home and one to the dealer for a tow). After my phone calls, I decided to try it again. I put the truck in gear and it then worked just fine. I went forward and backward several times in the parking lot and no problems. I also drove about a 125 mile round trip with it after that and it worked just like normal. The transmission fluid is at the proper level and according to the temperature gage, it never got over 185-200 degrees.


Is this just a glitch with the electronics on the transmission?

Has anyone else had anything like this happen?

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