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dropping 4x4 transmission pan

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Ok guys, I tried dropping the pan on my '03 z-71 and it would not come down. And before anybody makes a smart comment, yes I took all the bolts out :D Its like its getting caught on the rear driver side part of the pan. There is a bracket there on the ouside of thepan that looks like a pain to take off and the 1-2 accumulator piston sticks down a little bit (or atleast I think its the 1-2 piston). Any advice to get it past this sticking part? Thanks


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  • 4 weeks later...
if you use a pry bar and pry the braket until it touches the front driveshaft you will have just enough room to get the pan out. then just bend the braket back when your done. just be cairful what u pry on.

What a cluster fart of a design. I would not buy a vehical designed like that to begin with and I like GM.

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