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Ignition Timing

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I have a 1995 Z71 with the 350 TBI motor. I checked the timing the other day and found it to be advanced approx. 14 degrees BTDC at an idle of about 700 RPM. The underhood stickers were removed by the last owner, so I have no idea how to adjust the timing on this. I run my 83 Camaro with a 350 at the recommended 8 degrees BTDC, and I assume it is the same on this. I am also wondering what I have to do to kill the electronic timing control so I can set the timing, and what it should then be set at.

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The EST connector should be tucked under the plastic relay/electrical cover on the passenger side of the firewall. It should be a single tan wire with a black strip if I remember right. Just disconnect the connector to check timing.


I honestly don't know off hand what the spec is for your particular car. I've seen alot of GM trucks at 0 degrees though.



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base timing 4 a '95 5.7L is 0 degrees,the EST connector should be taped to the harness under the glovebox..tan wire w/white stripe,little black connector.after engine reachs operating temp,pull the connector apart(CHECK ENGINE light will go on) and check/adj. timing...shut down engine,wait 30 seconds,reconnect EST... NOTE That the chk engine light will be out,but there will be a trouble code stored in the memory..no big deal..but you can clear the stored code by disconnecting the batt.4 a minute,,or just pull the ECM's batt.fuse,will get same result w/o losing all radio pre-sets

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