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Some Assembly is Required

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Some Assembly Required


You might as well ask a magician how the trick is done as to ask a blender what’s in the bottle. And I imagine that would be true if it were not for the fact that everything in the universe MUST obey the rules/laws of the universe. They are immutable. We can define our world with few exceptions or explain it in the rules of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The languages we use to make sense of what seems to be magic. The few we cannot explain only means a lack of data or a lack of understanding that data.


Do I have to know the acceleration of gravity, a property of physics represented by a mathematical model, to be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I walk off my roof I will fall to whatever is below me? Do I have to have a Doctorate in biology to know for certain that planting a kernel of corn will grow a plant of corn? No! Correlated observations will instruct me as to the certainty of the suns rising and setting.


Observations of physical properties OR the written records of another's observations. It is what a test result is, isn’t it? The tests is just a method to objectify, quantify and correlate observations into repeatable units of observation.


There is also the ‘thought experiment’ method Einstein was so fond of. One may ask, for example, can something be created from nothing? What do you conclude about our universe when you observe Entropy in action?


Sometimes to understand a thing we need more than one input or observation. For example, watching the sun rise in the east and set in the west doesn’t tell you if the earth orbits the sun or the sun orbits the earth. Oh this one is important indeed. 


Point is, you don’t need to know all there is to know nor do your observations stand in a vacuum. Your life it short. It’s okay to use others observations and records. It’s why you hired a lab to do some of the heavy lifting. It’s why blenders publish, to one degree or another, ‘Product Data Sheets” whose contend is assured in broad strokes by regulations on “Truth in Advertising” laws. Or, internally policed by a companies need to maintain a reputation to sell into a market. It’s not perfect and cheaters get caught but it is what you have to work with.


I avoid like plague the arguments of “ the act of measurement alters the measurement’ or instruments being ISO certified to the National Bureau of Standards and demanding an exact accounting of the chain of evidence. I’m not deciding the fate of a human life in open court on on a operating table, I’m finding the truth, as well as it can be known, about what products I choose to use based on my confidence in the testing, the results, the observations and the reputations of others. This means:





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Poke around in these three links then ask YOURSELF.








Questions to answer when you've done your homework:


1.) What are the pour points of these various base oil Groups? Flash points? NOACK numbers? 100C Viscosity ranges?

2.) What relationships do you see between viscosity and NOACK?

3.) Explain to YOURSELF how one gets a Full Synthetic *W30 or heavier oil without use of an mPAO knowing that use of Group I/II oils are not allowed? 

4.) If you figure out question #3 than ask YOURSELF how shear stable those oils are if the solution is the cheapest chemical crutch possible? 

5.) Explain to YOURSELF how the oil below could be blended using Group III base oil.

          Hint: compare NOACK, Pour Point and viscosities


Some Assembly Required,

of typical physical properties



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6 hours ago, jwhjr said:

0.5.) Do I waste my time?





You are quite free to do as you wish. I'll bet you could find even better use of your time than wasting it commenting on topics you have no interest in after wasting enough of it to assure yourself you had no interest in it then more to form such a witty response. Fact is, wasting time seems to be your "Thing". Go ahead, waste some more getting the last word. 



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Alkylated Naphthalene





Note Pour points. 

Note VI and what that would mean for VM's. 


Compare to Red Line and resolve the discrepancy. 


Add to above list. 




https://www.stle.org/images/pdf/STLE_ORG/BOK/OM_OA/Base Oils/GTL Base Oils_Nov15 TLT.pdf


Only 3 cSt available and that is limited in quantity. 

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In Sunday services I heard a speaker talk about a women mentioned in the Bible at Luke 2:36 named Anna. She is mentioned in only three consecutive verses. From the information in those three verses and weaving that in with known history he was able to reconstruct the most meaningful points of this woman's life with deafening probability. The major events she lived through. He husbands death circumstances. How that shaped her as evidenced in the results of her life. who she knew, what she witnesses and how it affected her entire life. He used her mentioned age and knowing the event and the time of that event. Jesus circumcision by Jewish law. It was something to hear. 


Point is, if you think the only facts available to you are those printed on a bottle or in a brochure you are not looking hard enough and most of what you believe to be unknowable actually is.  It's just that:


Some Assembly is Required


I'm not selling a product. I'm promoting the idea you can know more than you think you can. Than you feel you've been given permission to know. Don't be lazy and don't be gullible. Dig. Child like wonder is as powerful as a college degree and more useful. 

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Top copied from link below it. 


Question: What does AMSOIL consider an "Extended Drain Interval"?


Read it slow and consult your manual. :rolleyes:


Hint: It isn't 10 to 20 K miles. 😉



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought experiments. Einstein's favorite experiment. Aristotle's logic. Paul's Reason. An aspect of being created in the image of God. Einstein, absent sufficient facts, reasoned his way to Relativity and afterwards explained it in mathematics. Not the other way around. 


Everything in our physical Universe has a "Beginning". Reason says everything physical has one. A car, a house, a planet a star.


Reason backward to the first star. The first galaxy. Where did the 'stuff' of construction come from? Something earlier. So, if everything has a beginning, everything physical, then where did that stuff come from? Reason. Something not physical. Something eternal. Something without a beginning or an end. 


When you look at a house do you see intelligent design or the result of chaos and happenstance? If I took every part of a clock and put them in a paint shaker and left the shaker on until it assembled that clock how long would that take? Infinity. What would Entropy suggest? 


So the "Thing" that is the source of matter must be both non-physical and INTELLEGENT. And that 'thing' created with a purpose. It had existed for eternity and needed nothing. It was, in and of itself complete and perfect.


I knew this from my earliest memories. Age four perhaps. Staring out the window on the top bunk of my three brother bedroom staring out into the sky wondering were the edge might be and if I were to reach that edge, what lie beyond it? Infinity. 


So if as a four year old I unraveled he mystery of God without ever reading a Bible or even having the ability to do so for that matter, how hard do you think it might be for me to unravel the nature of a well keep human Proprietary "Intellectual Secret" from facts we all have access to?  


But..."Some Assembly IS Required". 


Truth is, we all have that ability. I'm not that special and men are not the clever. But they are that deluded. 


Truth is ABSOLUTE but facts vary. And our understanding of truth is at times INCOMPLETE. Only a humble mind can complete it. A haughty mind is already closed to it. You MUST be wrong and accept that fact to learn even ONE new truth. 





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Some Assembly Required


Is Red Line's HP line now a Group III since Phillips buy out? No. And how can I know? 


Tab A: A handful of countries in the EU didn't buy into the outcome of the Castrol/XOM lawsuit whose definition allows Group III/III+ base oils to be labeled "Synthetic".  For a PCMO/HDMO oil to be distributed within these few countries and carry a "Full Synthetic" label the base oils must be actual honest fabricated molecules not 'reformulated' molecules. This means only Group IV and some of Group V fluids can be labeled and sold as "Full Synthetics".  NOT Group III/III+. Germany is one of those countries


Slot B: One of two EU distributors for Red Line HP and HP Euro. Both product lines carry "Full Synthetic" labeling. 



53520 Meuspath, Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 13
Gewerbepark am, Nürburgring,


I also have a relationship with the US distributor that supplies the German distributor. They pull orders from the same shelves mine are pulled from. Been there, watched that when I got the five cent tour of the new setup recently. That is allot of oil. 

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