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2017 Sierra starts but won't move?

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So driving to work the other morning my truck just stopped driving. The ignition stayed on and the truck continued to run, but no movement. You can select all of the gears and still no go. Ran a bit rough the day prior, but no indicator light to show there was a maintenance problem. Any ideas. I'm definitely leaning towards a transmission problem, clearly, but any other ideas or info would be greatly appreciated!

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I would agree you have a transmission problem. I had exact same symptoms while driving back roads in Alabama back in March. 1 minute, driving fine. Next minute, I push on accelerator but I start slowly slowing down until I come to a stop. Nothing in any forward gear and no reverse. And all while truck motor still running. I tried even shutting off and restarting but didn't work. Absolutely no warning signs or sounds before this happened.


Mine required old trans pulled and a remanufactured transmission to be installed. Probably not the news you were hoping to hear.

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Well, after checking the fluid, which is extremely dirty, not a shade of red in it, there is still plenty of fluid. Now get this, the truck went into gear and drove forward and reverse for a few feet. I did not press my luck. Still no alerts or notifications pointing to any specific problem. Stucknat square one which will most likely lead to a rebuilt transmission because new ones are expensive. But, if anyone has anymore idea as what the actual problem is, im all ears! Thanks for all who read and offer a suggestion. 

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