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Surgery Sept. 6


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I'm having shoulder surgery Sept. 6th, torn rotator cuff and two tendons. The crazy thing is I have no idea when this happened, no sudden pain, it just started hurting and the pain got worse. Pain 24/7, so I will be glad when that improves. Doctor said pain may never go away completely. Dexterity in my left hand may not be 100%, I'm left handed. I have a hard time doing things with my left hand, writing is a big one, starting nuts, bolts anything that requires finesse is a problem. I have to have the wife do it if I can't. 

Right now the strength in my left arm is poor, putting a gallon of milk in the fridge is tough. My left arm strength may never be the same.

Typing is a challenge also using my left hand.

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The rehab portion will be important. Stick with it. Shoulder surgery can be tough to get through, but you'll come out the other side in better shape

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I bought a small battery powered fan to have around. I got the bright idea to put on my coffee table to have more air circulation. After a few days my arm, elbow started throbbing and I couldn’t move my neck. That’s another benefit of getting old. The fix was to turn it off. I spent many years having one in my tractor. Never a problem.

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had this done about 2 years ago

1 major tear and 1 smaller tear

detached bicep tendon and collar bone impingement (very painful)

stick with rehab and don't push it, when it feels better 

learn to do things with other arm,it will improve

good luck, it will be a year plus healing, now pain free

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I hope you have a speed recovery.  Like stated, do what you can in the way of post surgery PT.  It will be tough but the benefit is what you want. To be back to no pain.  I tore both Pectoral muscles, stupid Air Force didn't see fit to have them reattached. But then that was back in 1984. Times have changed for sure.


Yes getting old sucks for sure.

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Ditto.  I'm waiting on my left shoulder "reverse" replacement.  Good luck!   Getting old may have its challenges but the option is unacceptable!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update, I'm alive.

Well Dr found more damage than he originally thought. Bicep muscle tendon was torn from the bone at the shoulder, reattached it. The rotator cuff had two tears that he knew about. All went well except for post op recovery, I have a problem coming out of anesthesia,  had some issues and it took me over 2 hours to recover. 

6-8 weeks in a sling and I can't use my arm muscles, not even to raise it, pick it up with my other arm to raise it when needed. To remove the sling bend at waist hang arm down and slide sling off my arm. Dr said no using that muscle, period. If I tear it lose again it will be harder to repair and longer recovery. 

The first 4 days sucked. I was in a sling like a straight jacket, had to sleep sitting up, dream on. I got 6 hours sleep in 4 days due to pain and sitting up trying to sleep. Still recovering from lack of sleep but I can lay down now and the sling has been loosened up which helps a lot. It was so tight it affected my breathing, I was told not to touch it. The shoulder block affects your diaphragm, glad those 4 days are over.

I'll stop complaining now, the car will need an oil change soon and I can't do it. 


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Glad to hear all is going well. Need to listen to the Dr. I know it is hard but in the end it will be well worth it.  I tore my pectoral muscle back in 85 in the Air Force, they didn't do anything but give me pain meds and a sling.  I never got full strength in that left side. Today, it would have been an easy fix and back in shape in months.  It still bothers me to use it in certain situations, gives me a charley horse kind of when I stress that area.  Again, glad it is done and going well.

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