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Infotainment workarounds?

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Has anyone found a way to scroll through the full list of music when using a USB drive? If you use the USB, you probably know that scrolling is limited to a very short list while driving. This is probably done for our "safety".


You know what that forces me to do? Use my phone instead of the USB and scroll through that. Given how small the phone screen is, it would be much, much safer to be able to scroll on the larger screen. Basically, their short-sighted decision to limit scrolling while driving makes driving less safe. (Let's not forget, SiriusXM scrolling is not limited)


The other thing is switching from USB to SiriusXM (or any other audio source). If I'm in listening to an album on USB, I have to keep pressing the Back arrow until I eventually get to the home of the audio source. Only then can I switch from USB to another audio source. Again, that back pressing while driving is potentially not safe. (If there is a way to get around all the Back pressing, it's not obvious enough)


I've been a software engineer for a long time and developed quite a few interfaces. If one of my engineers came to me with that interface I would send him back. This shouldn't be a big deal, it really is a pretty trivial thing. Other manufactures like Ram and Jeep get it right. I've seen such bad design or let's call it lack of attention to detail from:

1. people who don't give a f#$%. If employees don't give a f#$%, that attitude more often than not trickles down from upper management

2. beginners (who shouldn't be given the responsibility for such a task)

3. offshore outsourcing (who shouldn't have the final say in such a task)

4. all of the above


Ok, I'm done venting... I realize that most people probably don't even use USB audio. 

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