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2018 Rear window recall

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2 ago week while I was at work my wife sent me a pic of the driver side rear window shattered. I asked if there was a rock or any other object in the bed(from snow removal) that would have caused the window to shatter, nothing was found. I had the recall work done in Jan. of 2020 but the tech notes just state connection was cleaned and checked for excess heat, that was all. I attempted to call the service department and left a voicemail but still no call back. Insurance has replaced the window and I asked the glass shop if there was an indication that the rear defroster was the issue. Just hoping in a few years I do not have to return to the glass shop for another rear window. Has anyone else in the colder regions have their rear window shatter after the recall work was done?  My truck is a 2018 crew cab, 16,******, and the week the issue happened was -20F.

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They only tried to protect the terminals from over heating. Fact is if enough moisture gets on the actual terminals there was still a potential for an over heat. It's water and electricity.  I was never satisfied with the repair they did.  It's interesting that my new 2022 has a completely different design now. I never had any issues with my 2018 But I did keep an eye on those windows contacts when cleaning the truck just to make sure they were always clean and dry.



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Can't help you on your question but I did have the recall done. I had read of some many (not sure what that means) had windows shatter that I removed the fuse for the rear window defogger on my '17 LTZ. This allows my mirror heaters to still work but not juice to rear window. I live in WNC and don't need the rear defroster very much.

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In my case, because of where my 2016 was registered, it didn't qualify for the recall even though I live north in areas that regularly hit single digits or even below zero in the winter. I have the sliding rear window as well as defrost. I tend to be a bit ****** retentive and expect everything that I have to work as designed. However, because of the issue after seeing several victims of the shattered window, I just pulled the rear defrost fuse and haven't looked back, pun intended. Like @rav3 mentions, the outside side mirrors defrost still functions. I very rarely look through that back window anyway. In my years of driving straight trucks and armored cars, I got so used to using side mirrors for everything as well as backing, I don't care if the rear window frosts over. And honestly, I don't recall that ever really happening anyway. I'm just happy the rear slider works as it should. 

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