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New westers PCM on the way!

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I don't think I could afford to run 93 octane with an 8.1 :thumbs:

I had a rental av 2500 for 4 weeks that sucked my bank account dry everytime I had to fill it (which was quite often and everytime worth $60). froze my a@# off the first time I filled it up, they should warn you that the tank takes $120 to fill (no coat + no gloves = frosty tips all around)


Either way, good luck with it and awesome choice for the PCM :lol:

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I am going to quit smoking so I can afford the 93 octane!!

LOL, I guess any reason is a good one to quit, but quitting to add performance to your truck ... that'd be motivation for even the most dedicated smoker!!! :thumbs:


Btw, if mine doesn't come in tomorrow, I might cry. :lol: (ordered last monday, shipped tues.)

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