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2022 Sierra Elevation 2.7L Crank no Start!

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Wanted to see if any other members were having trouble with their 2022 Sierra.  I am having a crank no start issue. 

Back Story: I bought this truck back in March and now currently have around 1600 miles.  I live in Guam and we were just graced with the all so wonderful Typhoon Mawar in our region.  The truck was running fine before the storm, after the storm still no issues and no visible water damage. About a week after the storm i left work and headed out to pick up new furniture, only about a thirty minute drive from the house.  Once i got the the location, got the furniture loaded up, went to go start my truck, click click click click etc and no start.  Thought well that was weird, pulled the covers to the fuse boxes, no blown fuses, tried to jump it nothing.  If it would turn over it would run for about two seconds, idle rough and shut off.  Once i got the truck towed to the dealer , they diagnosed it and came back telling me it was the fuel pump control module and the part is on back order. Just wanted to see if anyone else is having any of the same issues and what you did to fix it.  Or am I plagued with a new truck that will forever have electrical demons due to the storm. 

sorry this is long winded

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