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2016 Silverado Transmission Comes out of gear while driving

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Please help! My truck has been in and out of the shop four times now with the same issue. Transmission began shuttering around 130k and brought to a local transmission shop who rebuilt.


He rebuilt transmission and install the new bypass for the temperature issue…


since then, the truck has been back to him three times and he cannot figure out what the issue is .  At times the truck from park will not going into gear when i put the truck in drive.  It will just stay in nuetral and dev up.  The truck always goes into reverse when this occurs.  Every time this has happened if I’m able to get the truck moving forward at a slow speed by pushing it or rolling it down a hill. It will then bang into gear while in drive. 

he since then has replace the “tacam?” And valve body with to luck.


The truck also at times between 30 and 40 miles an hour in drive will pop out of gear.  I then slow down enough for it to downshift and at times will catch into gear and get me home.  

Can anyone help with some feedback or troubleshooting tips.


It’s been back to this guy now four times and I’m on the verge of insanity

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Should note that the issue of the truck not going into gear from park when placed in drive is and intermittent issue. Most of the times it works as expected. But about 1 time a week it will do this.

The issue where the truck pops out of gear went in drive when in between 30 and 40 mph typically happens once per day when commuting to and from work. Typical commute is 40 miles one way.

no check engine light when this happens

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