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Gas Prices


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The local news was running a story about this "small town" gas price war where a few cities around here are selling fuel for around $3.30-3.40 a gallon. That price is 60-70 cents below the avg fuel price of ~$3.99 in the local metro. From talking with the people that own the gas stations they are only making the state minimum on the fuel which is like 9-10 cents I think. All these other stations that have been selling the fuel at much higher prices are just in it to make a ton of profit.


The places that are way lower have been like this for over a month if that tells you anything. If they can still keep the doors open with all the traffic they are seeing because of cheaper fuel prices the other places could too. Hell, they could even make more money if they dropped the fuel prices only 30-40 cents to still make decent money of the fuel and possibly get more money from people spending more in the store.


It's one of those things were I can sit here and say this or that and yadda yadda yadda but most people know deep down that some sort of greed is always in play.

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As we use up our strategic reserves for people to pretend that 15-20 cents less for gas is now some huge achievement. The price will be skyrocketing with no backup plans left come after labor day so enjoy the next couple weeks, and the kicker will be needing to then refill those reserves at a x10 the price compared to what Trump filled them for!

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