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Gas Prices


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Backed up about a dime after the Fed Rate increase. 


Economics 101


Supply and demand. Who controls the crude supply?

Answer: OPEC. Even US oil price is controlled by OPEC. Does that need explanation? 

Okay who controls the demand?

Answer: The consumer

Who controls product pricing?

AH!!! Think before you answer now.....Rate increase has no effect on OPEC does it? 

Answer: Corp. Boards finding you pain point. The Fed finds the Corp. pain point.  



What part of this does a ANY President control? 

Answer: None of it!


The the consumer that has ABSOLUTE control and yet does not exercise that leverage blames a guy who has no power to move the price of peanut butter a penny?



Consumer wants what it wants but does not wish to take responsibility for his half of the equation. Fact is they will fear HOARD.





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Cost me $26 to fill a Jerry can up yesterday for my lawn tractor. Thought about protesting instead to learn these greedy oil companies a lesson. But the ticket for not cutting my grass would be more expensive than the fuel. And then there are those who aren’t retired and need to drive to work (or drive for work). I suspect the consumer really does not have the control after all.


Edited by txab
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Well fellas we can chew the fat on this until the cows come home. It is what it is. 

No big deal when I consider a friend was just diagnosed with terminal cancer. Might have 5 years and 52 years young. 


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14 minutes ago, diyer2 said:

Well fellas we can chew the fat on this until the cows come home. It is what it is. 

No big deal when I consider a friend was just diagnosed with terminal cancer. Might have 5 years and 52 years young. 


Cancer is dreadful. Sometimes nothing can be done. This was totally preventable and is by design. That’s why people are complaining.

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1 hour ago, OnTheReel said:

Cost me $26 to fill a Jerry can up yesterday for my lawn tractor. Thought about protesting instead to learn these greedy oil companies a lesson. But the ticket for not cutting my grass would be more expensive than the fuel. And then there are those who aren’t retired and need to drive to work (or drive for work). I suspect the consumer really does not have the control after all.


I just put 65$ worth of gas in the wife’s Genesis. That used to fill the Avalanche. I’m old enough and retired and prepared for these type of events. The gas card is still going to sting. As will the electric bill, grocery bill and so on. I don’t even look at my IRA. At my age I don’t like to hurry up the passage of time. November of 22,24 can’t come fast enough. 

Edited by txab
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wide range of prices here north of Boston. paid $4.69 for 87 Thursday, that was down from $4.77 the day before but that's the lowest I've seen. $4.99 seems to be a popular price but a lot of places are well over $5. I saw $ 5.69 in Boston

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Iowa Kum and Go E-85 prices jumped up 30 cents this week while E10 Regular went down about a dime. About the same decline in regular as Illinois regular (non collar county) while E85 remained stable. 


Yesterday we did a 350 mile round trip for a FREE family dinner that cost $60+ in fuel to attend. :crackup:There's some cheap pork and beans and a ham sandwich. :rollin:





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Maverik in Alamosa generally sells E15 for 5 cents less than E10 regular 85 that I found is not E15 at all. So its not 87 octane but 86 octane.  I am engaging them for a SDS and PI sheet, after a month no answer nor paperwork. 

Excuse is that ethanol is now limited in supply so they use less than 15%. That may be rise in ethanol mixes boosting prices. 


E15 or E12.5 86 octane  does burn better and ****** timing less than E10 85 octane.  Beat goes on! Consumers are leveraged awfully hard lately eh? 

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