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Leaked new EV Silverado

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5 hours ago, OnTheReel said:


Can’t remove depreciation in real life, and it’ll be a huge factor. Even if you “keep it forever”, 10-15 years into ownership, you will have 100k into an antiquated, undesirable vehicle that needs a $20,000 battery put into it. A truck full of obsolete tech and styling that went from trendy to dated. What would you do?

I'm just saying if you never trade it in then depreciation is not ownership cost at that point. Trading it in yes but if you keep it then no.


Undesirable vehicle is up to the owner. I wouldn't want to own a Ford Model T but I know a lot of collectors who would. I'm playing devil's advocate that's all. I think EVs are great commuter cars. They are not ready to be road trippers yet but they would be fantastic to drive to and from work and putt around town in.


3 hours ago, TNTSilverado said:

I guess you struggle with comprehension fella!!!  I said travel to the Black Hills from my house which is over 400 miles away. So ya charging at my house won’t cut it. I’m going to have to stop and charge. And I guarantee it won’t go 400 miles while pulling a trailer filled with 2 side by sides and 80 mph!!!  

And I don’t know where you are charging at but the few places we have here in Midwest I’ve seen close to $30 or higher to charge. And it will only go up the more EVs are sold and out driving around. Think about it!!!  It isn’t rocket science. 

Does the article state it costs more???  I don’t care if it’s $10. The FACT is that owning an EV costs more. Your debate is over.  As for instantaneous power. Laughable. You can have that EV Silverado and I’ll take a supercharged TRX and it will beat it. Go check all the reviews     So if GM got their head out of their @$$ and put an LT4 or even better LT5 in their trucks. It would be faster.  


So you travel 400 miles a day to get to work? Also just as an FYI the rating for these trucks is with 1,000 pounds in the bed. Without the weight they should get slightly better than 400 miles on a charge. Yes I know your side by side bikes to carry you and your boyfriend around weigh more than that.


I believe in Austin it is free to charge at a station. I know in Cali it is often free of charge. Here are Fort Worth stats

https://chargehub.com/en/countries/united-states/texas/fort-worth.html You can see percentage of charging stations being free are 60%.


 Lmfao okay boomer you take your TRX. Off the line the EV is faster every single time. This may not be the greatest comparison ever but Tesla Plaid vs any car of your choosing, other than hypercars, Tesla Plaid beats it all day.



I don't understand why you pensioners are so obsessed with these vehicles being road trip vehicles when they are so obviously commuter cars too. We get it, you guys are retired and can spend your day road tripping. Some of us are still contributing to society.

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9 hours ago, JimCost2014 said:

I tried giving you multiple Haha emojis but can only do one. Well, played sir, guess only question left is how you can put Amsoil in it, and what would the OCI be for unused oil🤔😬


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9 hours ago, shakenfake said:

I'm just saying if you never trade it in then depreciation is not ownership cost at that point. Trading it in yes but if you keep it then no.


Undesirable vehicle is up to the owner. I wouldn't want to own a Ford Model T but I know a lot of collectors who would. I'm playing devil's advocate that's all. I think EVs are great commuter cars. They are not ready to be road trippers yet but they would be fantastic to drive to and from work and putt around town in.


So you travel 400 miles a day to get to work? Also just as an FYI the rating for these trucks is with 1,000 pounds in the bed. Without the weight they should get slightly better than 400 miles on a charge. Yes I know your side by side bikes to carry you and your boyfriend around weigh more than that.


I believe in Austin it is free to charge at a station. I know in Cali it is often free of charge. Here are Fort Worth stats

https://chargehub.com/en/countries/united-states/texas/fort-worth.html You can see percentage of charging stations being free are 60%.


 Lmfao okay boomer you take your TRX. Off the line the EV is faster every single time. This may not be the greatest comparison ever but Tesla Plaid vs any car of your choosing, other than hypercars, Tesla Plaid beats it all day.



I don't understand why you pensioners are so obsessed with these vehicles being road trip vehicles when they are so obviously commuter cars too. We get it, you guys are retired and can spend your day road tripping. Some of us are still contributing to society.

So you can’t debate and go to insults, fine I’ll play…ok first off I’m married to my high school sweetheart who has given me a beautiful boy and a girl. I have worked my tail off and have 2 masters degrees that I have paid for MYSELF!
Secondly, I use my truck to haul my boat to my cabin, my side by sides to the black hills, and my family around to sporting events and family events. “Not my boyfriend “, which is quite ignorant!!  But I wouldn’t expect anything more from this so called debate……

Third, For like the tenth time, THIS ISNT CALIFORNIA OR TEXAS YOU IGNORANT LITTLE CHILD!!  If you had read for comprehension. I live in Iowa and EV charging ports are not available like they are in the LiBtard big cities!!  Also, how well do you think these EVs will hold up in the cold??  It’s -27 degrees this morning 🤔🤔🤷🏼🤷🏼🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️  Ya like all batteries. Cold drains them!!  
Fourth, your comparison is yes, childish/stupid because you have a car half the weight of the TRX. I atleast kept it truck to truck. You always have to take into account depreciation!  Your ignorant so I understand why you don’t. And after 8+ years and that battery is wearing down, you’ll  probably spend somewhere like  $10k-$20k to replace the batteries???  When a combustion engine would be anywhere to 1/2 or 1/4 of that price……ya. Way to think that over!!!!  You might have to whine/beg to someone to give you another loan to replace your batteries!!!  

Fifth, we haven’t even gone into your electric bill at your house going up. Thanks to your wonderful “president” inflation is skyrocketing and electric bills are going through the roof. What do you thinks gonna happen when you have to plug it in all the time🤔🤔🤔🤔

Sixth, I’m far from retirement, I’m 40 years old and enjoying life…..seems to me you bit off more than you can chew little pup, and need to get out and enjoy your life instead of being a little keyboard warrior!  I’m off to work. 
Have a fantastic day, do something productive, and always, always enjoy life!!!  It’s priceless. 

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Ok boomer good assumption I voted for Biden. Electric bill added with a car charger is not that much higher. I have a neighbor that had the charger installed and charges their electric mustang, electric bill did go up but since it isn't charging the entire battery every day and maybe once/twice a month(?) it wasn't astronomical. I don't get this weird obsession with plugging it in all the time. It has a 300-400 mile range, why are you needing to plug it in more than a couple times a month/multiple times a month but a small charge up? Again these vehicles at the moment are NOT past the commuter stage. I agree with you. 


Oh boy so since a vehicle might be semi-ecosystem dependent nobody gets to have it? Wow isn't that fantastic guys! I do understand what cold does to batteries, I also understand what heat does. It is something that we'd have to think about. Tech is evolving and changing every day. I am hoping that we can work towards a more weather resistant battery in the future. Again I agree with your battery concerns. It's almost like we are pretty close to being on the same page now.


And now I am going to link a video of a Tesla plaid beating a Dodge Demon in the 1/4 mile that way this guy can understand better. 

 Go to 4:25, Tesla was off the line later and still won. So tell me how your TRX is gonna beat my EV Silverado? Just found something more alike in weight class this is not the end all be all, you can youtube this stuff all day. They are fun races. This is where I cannot agree with you. Electric motors spank combustion engines in the power dept. all day long. It's just the facts. I know there are some different cases where this is not true but 


Again I will say I understand account depreciation. In some cases, which I already mentioned the word some, it does not matter. Once again I agree with you on depreciation. I believe the more EVs come out the less of an effect depreciation will have. I think they are depreciating so badly because it is new tech and people are not sure where they are going to be at in 5 years. We'll see but it is something to think about for the future.


We are still in the early phases of the EV but we used to be in the early phases of the combustion engine as well. I am sure people back in the day thought the same way converting from horse drawn carriage to a combustion engine would be the same thing. "Cheaper to replace a horse" "Engines don't work that great in the cold" "Easier to find water and food for the horse rather than oil and gas for the engine" All the stuff we are bickering over really doesn't matter. The people in the think tank know 90% of this. Of course you have to account for the guys that don't but it will get made up down the road. It's just like being out in the oil field or on the construction site, the dude with the college degree knows less than you because of your experience. You try to explain why something doesn't work and he says to just follow the plans.


The fact that you called me little pup just certified your place in the boyfriend side by side. Picture for reference. Visual posted @JimCost2014



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3 minutes ago, shakenfake said:

Ok boomer good assumption I voted for Biden. Electric bill added with a car charger is not that much higher. I have a neighbor that had the charger installed and charges their electric mustang, electric bill did go up but since it isn't charging the entire battery every day and maybe once/twice a month(?) it wasn't astronomical. I don't get this weird obsession with plugging it in all the time. It has a 300-400 mile range, why are you needing to plug it in more than a couple times a month/multiple times a month but a small charge up? Again these vehicles at the moment are NOT past the commuter stage. I agree with you. 


Oh boy so since a vehicle might be semi-ecosystem dependent nobody gets to have it? Wow isn't that fantastic guys! I do understand what cold does to batteries, I also understand what heat does. It is something that we'd have to think about. Tech is evolving and changing every day. I am hoping that we can work towards a more weather resistant battery in the future. Again I agree with your battery concerns. It's almost like we are pretty close to being on the same page now.


And now I am going to link a video of a Tesla plaid beating a Dodge Demon in the 1/4 mile that way this guy can understand better. 

 Go to 4:25, Tesla was off the line later and still won. So tell me how your TRX is gonna beat my EV Silverado? Just found something more alike in weight class this is not the end all be all, you can youtube this stuff all day. They are fun races. This is where I cannot agree with you. Electric motors spank combustion engines in the power dept. all day long. It's just the facts. I know there are some different cases where this is not true but 


Again I will say I understand account depreciation. In some cases, which I already mentioned the word some, it does not matter. Once again I agree with you on depreciation. I believe the more EVs come out the less of an effect depreciation will have. I think they are depreciating so badly because it is new tech and people are not sure where they are going to be at in 5 years. We'll see but it is something to think about for the future.


We are still in the early phases of the EV but we used to be in the early phases of the combustion engine as well. I am sure people back in the day thought the same way converting from horse drawn carriage to a combustion engine would be the same thing. "Cheaper to replace a horse" "Engines don't work that great in the cold" "Easier to find water and food for the horse rather than oil and gas for the engine" All the stuff we are bickering over really doesn't matter. The people in the think tank know 90% of this. Of course you have to account for the guys that don't but it will get made up down the road. It's just like being out in the oil field or on the construction site, the dude with the college degree knows less than you because of your experience. You try to explain why something doesn't work and he says to just follow the plans.


The fact that you called me little pup just certified your place in the boyfriend side by side. Picture for reference. Visual posted @JimCost2014



You know I can debate all day long, but your ignorance on the boyfriend thing is so childish and just shows you belong with the SJW's of this woke society.  Move along! 

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12 hours ago, JimCost2014 said:

@Grumpy Bear please give us your thoughts sir .... :) How does this compare to the almighty 4.3 ?


I'm disappointed in you Jim.

Thought you knew better than to feed stray trolls.




If you keep bringing strays home son you have to clean up after them.

Now go wash your mouth out and quit eating out of the liter box.

Quick now!

Run along; before your mother sees you.








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Anyone here younger than me? Did I get called a boomer at 33? So I guess it’s a bad time to say I would 100% take a 4.3 truck and the cash difference over this Silverado EV?


EVs have the straight line acceleration but are missing the X factor. The feel, the noise, the experience. I don’t dispute the Tesla is quicker than a Demon, but we know which one most enthusiasts would choose. I didn’t make whooshing noises when I played with toy cars. I made screaming bald eagle V8 sounds. My adult life is the same.

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52 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:

I'm disappointed in you Jim.

Most are😬, you have just joined a "club" that could fill an ocean going vessel. 


Great thing about these forums, your skin gets a lot thicker, keeps you warm in the winter.

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1 hour ago, shakenfake said:

Ok boomer good assumption I voted for Biden. Electric bill added with a car charger is not that much higher. I have a neighbor that had the charger installed and charges their electric mustang, electric bill did go up but since it isn't charging the entire battery every day and maybe once/twice a month(?) it wasn't astronomical. I don't get this weird obsession with plugging it in all the time. It has a 300-400 mile range, why are you needing to plug it in more than a couple times a month/multiple times a month but a small charge up? Again these vehicles at the moment are NOT past the commuter stage. I agree with you. 


Oh boy so since a vehicle might be semi-ecosystem dependent nobody gets to have it? Wow isn't that fantastic guys! I do understand what cold does to batteries, I also understand what heat does. It is something that we'd have to think about. Tech is evolving and changing every day. I am hoping that we can work towards a more weather resistant battery in the future. Again I agree with your battery concerns. It's almost like we are pretty close to being on the same page now.


And now I am going to link a video of a Tesla plaid beating a Dodge Demon in the 1/4 mile that way this guy can understand better. 

 Go to 4:25, Tesla was off the line later and still won. So tell me how your TRX is gonna beat my EV Silverado? Just found something more alike in weight class this is not the end all be all, you can youtube this stuff all day. They are fun races. This is where I cannot agree with you. Electric motors spank combustion engines in the power dept. all day long. It's just the facts. I know there are some different cases where this is not true but 


Again I will say I understand account depreciation. In some cases, which I already mentioned the word some, it does not matter. Once again I agree with you on depreciation. I believe the more EVs come out the less of an effect depreciation will have. I think they are depreciating so badly because it is new tech and people are not sure where they are going to be at in 5 years. We'll see but it is something to think about for the future.


We are still in the early phases of the EV but we used to be in the early phases of the combustion engine as well. I am sure people back in the day thought the same way converting from horse drawn carriage to a combustion engine would be the same thing. "Cheaper to replace a horse" "Engines don't work that great in the cold" "Easier to find water and food for the horse rather than oil and gas for the engine" All the stuff we are bickering over really doesn't matter. The people in the think tank know 90% of this. Of course you have to account for the guys that don't but it will get made up down the road. It's just like being out in the oil field or on the construction site, the dude with the college degree knows less than you because of your experience. You try to explain why something doesn't work and he says to just follow the plans.


The fact that you called me little pup just certified your place in the boyfriend side by side. Picture for reference. Visual posted @JimCost2014



Thanks for that.


Guess if I had a boyfriend, it would not be that bad of a vehicle🤣😂😂🤣

Yes, you can make fun of that statement, don't think I will be offended, wife might be curious if she saw it though🤔😬🤨

Edited by JimCost2014
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53 minutes ago, OnTheReel said:

I didn’t make whooshing noises when I played with toy cars. I made screaming bald eagle V8 sounds. My adult life is the same.




That's a funny thought. Will the 2-5 year olds of today and the future be playing with cars going "hummmmMMMMMMM!" 😂 🤦🏻‍♂️ 


Edited by econometrics
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