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Cruise control not working above 67mph

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So I'm not sure if related to my tuner but reading through a lot of other posts and nobody has actually found an answer. My truck is tuned for my 35" tall tires so that the speedometer is correct. 


Anyways here is whats going on, I can set cruise control at 67mph, bump it up to 85mph but even if I bump it up to 68 once it hits 68mph it cancels cruise control. At 67mph it will stay on.


Has anyone found a fix? Do I need to get rid of the tune and put an inline correction for the speedo?


As I said, I'm tuned with a bullydog at 34.8inch tires, not sure if this problem was before or after the tune.

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 engine, transmission, rear gearing, .. miles, etc.  


The prudent action is to restore to stock and try to replicate the problem. 

What happens if you dial back / remove the “tune”?  See, the computers watch lots of sensors.. torque is one.. if torque out of spec with speed, etc..larger tires, more drag, etc..  


next step yours..

Edited by cfell
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Finally got time to set the tune to stock tire size, cruise will set and stay on above 70mph.

Set the tune back to 506revs per mile and back to 67mph.


I am hoping that someone else has had this issue that found a fix. I want my speedometer to be correct so changing that is out of the question. 


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Don't worry about getting your speedo absolutely correct.
The difference isn't all that much, just calculate in your head when you need to.

At 70 MPH, you're really going 77 or so. Just dial it down a bit. That's what I do.


comparison 2.jpg

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Put in 33.5 or 34in tall tires and see if it still lets you use cruise control.


I know on some trucks with HP Tuners, if you set the tire size too big it will start tossing the ABS light and traction control errors too.

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Yeah I thought about telling it they were 33s or 34s so cruise will work at a higher speed and it would only be off by 2mph rather than 7. 


I want it to be right because I have enough reasons to be pulled over I don't need more. My driving record is finally 3 years clean, not sure how u did it but I did.


From window tint, tint strip, no front plate, tint covered rear plate, rear windows are covered with decals, tires stick out more than the fender, the list goes on I don't need to add speeding to it.

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