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2020 Sierra 1500 Base AFM Mode Identification


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Hey all.  So, my father's 2017 Silverado (base level cluster) shows if the truck is in 8 cyl or 4 cyl AFM mode in the DIC.  However, I cannot seem to find any way to tell what AFM mode I am in on my 2020 Sierra 1500 with the base level cluster/DIC.  Does anyone have any clue how you can tell what mode the truck is running in?  The main reason I'm asking is because I want to get one of the Range AFM disablers, and I'd like to see, live, if it ever switches in to 4 cyl mode.


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

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I'm a little surprised the AFM engines that are still in use don't have the indicator. 

DFM ones don't because there are so many possible modes.


Even for the '21's are still using the AFM engines in lower trims.

L82 5.3 in the lower trims is an AFM engine.

L84 5.3 in higher trims is a DFM engine. 


4.3L is also still an AFM engine. 




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