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Service 4WD Light is On

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Ok...so I have a 2000 GMC Z71, a year ago I put a new transfer case (Brand New) in it. It stemmed from a rip out of the rear end due to bad HT on the gears. All of a sudden my Service 4WD light has been flashing on in the dash, anyone have insight into what may be the problem here? I have talked with a few people and have come to the conclusion that changing the switch in the dash (electronic 4X4 bites sometimes) is the more likely than not to correct the problem. Anyone have insight into this problem themselves? :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heya folks, Jared here...


I'm having this problem as well. Can anyone dig up a part number on that switch? Or possibly a general location? Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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This same thing happened to me today. So I tried to engage it and it seemed to work just fine but the light was still on. I would shut the truck off and restart and no light for awhile then it would come back on. What switch did ya all change out??Was it the one in the cab the actual one u push or are you talking about an external one somewhere.thanks

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