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Covid19 Spare time


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I have to get my dog out in the early morning and certainly hear and see signs of spring.  Unfortunately we have a major construction project occurring a couple of blocks away and their assault on our peace usually begins at 7am.  Months of gut-churning blasting is part of the land preparation process.  There is no shortage of undeveloped land surrounding our small city, but developers have chosen to build apartment buildings where a huge and beautiful outcrop of rock & trees once adorned the city!  They took this weekend off and the silence is deafening!  We have been advised that work on this project will extend with the days getting longer and will fill our airwaves for the next two years!  Of course, I Google for information on blasting in residential neighbourhoods and find that it could be a lot worse!  I am able to dodge Covid in the security of my home while surprise earthquakes randomly throughout the day drive me nuts!   At least the ruck crushing between blasts keeps me from falling asleep/napping during the day!

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I am looking forward to receiving a vaccine for Covid.  Thankfully, our recent brush with the virus had negative test results.  I became a little hyper-focused on the virus over the past week or two and find there is considerable evidence that all of the approved vaccines in US and Canada are highly effective in reducing spread.   I once was apprehensive about receiving an  injection of stuff that was developed and approved so quickly  under a lot of public pressure.  Now, it can't come soon enough!  I hope those still struggling with masks and/or vaccines use their spare time to study the pros column and help us open up our borders!  I have children and grandchildren to visit!  A morning coffee at The Woodlands Sonic with another forum member or two is also on my list of post-pandemic activities!

Other research says the antibodies are only good for up to 300 days. Because of this, at least 1 doctor has come out and said we'll never achieve herd immunity. When I asked my wife about this she said, "What's the point of mask mandates when all this is never going to change?"


As for what I'm doing with my spare time, I'm getting ready to sue the government for deprivation of civil rights. I never committed a crime and have never been adjudicated, but found out I was being deprived of a civil right simply because my wife made a career move many years ago. No, she not a criminal either.


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22 hours ago, Bash74 said:

I would actually enjoy the sound. Living close to artillery ranges and dealing with mortars for so much of my life I find the sound not bothersome at all.

Living close to an artillery range, airport, highway or heavy industry are choices people  make.  We knew this piece of undeveloped rock was in our neighbourhood and that housing could be a possibility in the future.  Many other homes in the area are built on rock to take advantage of surrounding views but no one could imagine building three multi-story rental apartment units where a solid outcrop of rock once stood.  These blasts are house shakers and one of my neighbours already faces the fight over a crack in his foundation.  The attraction to this neighbourhood is the quiet and peaceful surroundings.  We had the opportunity to buy a similar home next to the highway for considerably less money but peace and quiet have become very desirable in our retirement.  A mid-day nap, for example,  is something to make fun of when we're younger but sometimes becomes a necessity when we're older. A 76 year old neighbour said at least its temporary until I told her the project will be going on for a minimum of two years.  A "two year interruption" for a senior has a significantly different impact than when you're younger!

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8 hours ago, Transient said:

Other research says the antibodies are only good for up to 300 days. Because of this, at least 1 doctor has come out and said we'll never achieve herd immunity. When I asked my wife about this she said, "What's the point of mask mandates when all this is never going to change?"

I find masks to be a visible act of caring for myself and others.  Even if I doubted their effectiveness, the effort to wear one is so minimal that they are not worth a debate.  Injecting a new vaccine required a little more thought and a little more of my time but the potential pros far outweigh the potential cons.

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I find masks to be a visible act of caring for myself and others.  Even if I doubted their effectiveness, the effort to wear one is so minimal that they are not worth a debate.  Injecting a new vaccine required a little more thought and a little more of my time but the potential pros far outweigh the potential cons.
"Visable act of caring" , not a fan. People can actually care ot not care, makes no difference to me. I see the visible act as fake. Like fake smiling, fake being friendly, or fake happiness.

I look at this like the Flu and have from the beginning. The most that can happen is people get the vaccine and it brings the cases and deaths down to a certain level and that's it. Maybe just maybe burns itself out. Thousands still die from the flu every year even with the vaccine available. Covid will still get some people. If not covid it will be the next thing that comes along. People can panic and want to change living for the moment or just continue with normal living and accept the fact that it is the way life is and stuff happens. Everything now just needs to go back to normal living and move on.

For myself I don't see the cons outweighing the pros or pros outweighing the cons with the vaccine.

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It’s already burning itself out. Down 77% nationwide over the past 6 weeks. I don’t know at what point we are allowed to live our lives again, but in a rational world, right about now would be a good time. 

I understand that someone wouldn’t want to give up two years of their lives living next to a blast site. Just as I don’t want to give up two years of mine for this virus. ??

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Living close to an artillery range, airport, highway or heavy industry are choices people  make.  We knew this piece of undeveloped rock was in our neighbourhood and that housing could be a possibility in the future.  Many other homes in the area are built on rock to take advantage of surrounding views but no one could imagine building three multi-story rental apartment units where a solid outcrop of rock once stood.  These blasts are house shakers and one of my neighbours already faces the fight over a crack in his foundation.  The attraction to this neighbourhood is the quiet and peaceful surroundings.  We had the opportunity to buy a similar home next to the highway for considerably less money but peace and quiet have become very desirable in our retirement.  A mid-day nap, for example,  is something to make fun of when we're younger but sometimes becomes a necessity when we're older. A 76 year old neighbour said at least its temporary until I told her the project will be going on for a minimum of two years.  A "two year interruption" for a senior has a significantly different impact than when you're younger!
I know it not for everyone and don't see it as an age thing. I know 80 year olds that have no problem with it just like 25 year olds that do.

I see it as only 3 things that could of been done. Everyone get together and not let the construction happen, move to a place that is quite and it won't happen, or just get used to it.

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It’s already burning itself out. Down 77% nationwide over the past 6 weeks. I don’t know at what point we are allowed to live our lives again, but in a rational world, right about now would be a good time. 

I understand that someone wouldn’t want to give up two years of their lives living next to a blast site. Just as I don’t want to give up two years of mine for this virus. [emoji107][emoji107]
That is true. The rate started to drop quick even though not many people had even gotten the vaccine yet and still not that many has gotten it.

I see going back to normal is going to be left in the hands of the people. Officials to scared to make the decision. Lately I have seen more and more people not wearing there masks or social distancing when I am out and in stores.

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I find masks to be a visible act of caring for myself and others.  Even if I doubted their effectiveness, the effort to wear one is so minimal that they are not worth a debate.  Injecting a new vaccine required a little more thought and a little more of my time but the potential pros far outweigh the potential cons.

Masks being a visible act of caring is humorous, especially when you consider that Fauci allegedly wrote a paper in 2008 that most people that died from the Spanish Flu pandemic a century ago didn't die from Spanish Flu, but bacterial pneumonia caused by wearing a mask. 

Besides, I prefer to breath oxygen, not cotton lint. Our bodies need and expect a certain amount of oxygen with every breath. Failure to have it means an increased heart rate due to diminished oxygenation of the blood, which does impact mental capacity. And, not having enough oxygen in the blood means the body will start producing more red blood cells in an effort to better oxygenate the blood.


But, masks are only half the argument. The other half is physical contact that permits spreading of the virus to things like door handles/knobs, staircase railings, credit card readers, and countless other objects. To combat this we see people being told to wash their hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. Medical research has proven doing this too much weakens the body's immune system. You're really damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Point being, this country is based on "Liberty". Liberty is dangerous in the sense that "in the interest of safety" is not practical terminology. After all, Ben Franklin said, "Those who would give up a little freedom for safety deserve neither." We've also vacated the willingness to accept others differences, especially in opinions. Therefore, for every person who points at me as being an a-hole for not wearing a mask, I can point back and state they look like a guy who's going to bed alone but chooses to wear a condom for protection (most notably when they're in their car alone).


Want all the protections of wearing a mask without any of the negative impacts? I recommend the M500 has mask with the ventilation backpack for purifying air and venting it into the mask so the wearer can breathe. Please don't forget the full level 4 MOP suit. Blend all your foods into a thin liquid and store it in a canteen. You'll be able to drink it through the straw.


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The problem I have with mask among what already listed. The biggest is hidden identity. All the riots and mayhem would be much lower. People have been embolden by being incognito. Time to see faces.

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Once again, I didn't mean to get us off track and I appreciate that people will have opinions that differ from mine.  I continue to wok on getting my home in order to allow me to maximize my travel and family time when we  move on from this pandemic!  

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