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Covid19 Spare time


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My snowblower purchase last fall has proven to be a very good decision.  The past three days have found me exceeding my daily step count (by noon) as well as being very popular with the neighbors!   Cleaning a driveway with a shovel after a night of snow can be quite a formidable task but is relatively painless with a power tool!  There is also a huge difference in the scope of the task when you have time to "enjoy" the task.  Clearing a large driveway of heavy snow with a small snow blower can be hard work if rushed.  Taking your time and letting the machine do the work turns the activity into a stress free experience.    My grandchildren in Texas love the snow pictures that we send them but yesterday they had their own to send!   There is no denying by me that the extremes of weather are concerning!  Occasional surprises would occur but extremes now appear to be the "expected"! 

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My snowblower purchase last fall has proven to be a very good decision.  The past three days have found me exceeding my daily step count (by noon) as well as being very popular with the neighbors!   Cleaning a driveway with a shovel after a night of snow can be quite a formidable task but is relatively painless with a power tool!  There is also a huge difference in the scope of the task when you have time to "enjoy" the task.  Clearing a large driveway of heavy snow with a small snow blower can be hard work if rushed.  Taking your time and letting the machine do the work turns the activity into a stress free experience.    My grandchildren in Texas love the snow pictures that we send them but yesterday they had their own to send!   There is no denying by me that the extremes of weather are concerning!  Occasional surprises would occur but extremes now appear to be the "expected"! 


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My snowblower purchase last fall has proven to be a very good decision.  The past three days have found me exceeding my daily step count (by noon) as well as being very popular with the neighbors!   Cleaning a driveway with a shovel after a night of snow can be quite a formidable task but is relatively painless with a power tool!  There is also a huge difference in the scope of the task when you have time to "enjoy" the task.  Clearing a large driveway of heavy snow with a small snow blower can be hard work if rushed.  Taking your time and letting the machine do the work turns the activity into a stress free experience.    My grandchildren in Texas love the snow pictures that we send them but yesterday they had their own to send!   There is no denying by me that the extremes of weather are concerning!  Occasional surprises would occur but extremes now appear to be the "expected"! 
For me doing it by hand is part of my workout to stay in shape. Now when I get done I hurt and use a tube of aspercreme but it's worth it. Growing up in Texas I remember some snow and icy roads almost every year and some years got a lot. It has been a lot if years since it has happened like it is now so I see it as going towards what it was.

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19 hours ago, Bash74 said:

For me doing it by hand is part of my workout to stay in shape. Now when I get done I hurt and use a tube of aspercreme but it's worth it. Growing up in Texas I remember some snow and icy roads almost every year and some years got a lot. It has been a lot if years since it has happened like it is now so I see it as going towards what it was.

I grew up in Vancouver and remember snow on the ground as a common winter occurrence when I was a child.   It seemed to become very uncommon in subsequent years. However, this doesn't comfort me in explaining the extremes in weather we are witnessing in recent years. I know "climate change" can be a hot topic but, for me, debating whether it exists doesn't make the threat go away.   

One selfish concern facing me from this threat is our inevitable progression to electric or alternative powered vehicles.  I predict we're going to soon see traditionally powered vehicles depreciate at an accelerated pace.  I remember gas wars and gas gluts of the 70's / 80's and the impact on the sale of large vehicles.  I know I'm okay with my current vehicle, but my next will boast superior operating costs.  Funny thing is my favorite vehicle is a Suburban/Yukon XL.   My dealer just brought in a slightly used Suburban LT and it is potentially within my financial grasp.   I've used every mind trick like "you only live once", "bucket list", etc.  but I know I'd be upset every time I visited the pumps!  There is also the other elephant in the room and that is I've only had one other person and/or my 18 lb. dog in my vehicle for over a year now.  I don't believe this will be changing soon.   Also, truck shopping is something I love to do and time generated by Covid19 has escalated this passion.  Once I buy, I have to stop shopping for awhile!

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I had thought for some time that the amount of snow we received each year of late to be diminished. Then last night the gal on the weather shows that in our area we receive on average 25" and for the last few years we've been right on that number. This year, however, a year I thought to be more reminiscent of previous youthful experience to be quite the opposite at 45".  I guess I saw the exceptional as the expected. Memory is a funny funny thing. 


She did confirm however that it 1936 since the last time it was this cold for this long with this much snow. :shakehead:


Last year we set a new local record for cold for a single day but that snap was indeed short lived. 

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The climate is always changing.
A couple weeks ago the greenies were freaking out because there was no ice on the great lakes. Superior is 33% frozen now. Probably be 50% by next month. It always averages out.
This whole climate change B.S. is just another way the democrats expand government, take your money, and do nothing.
Hell John Kerry thinks he can control the weather. Talk about a dumbass.[emoji1782]

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8 hours ago, dieselfan1 said:

The climate is always changing.
A couple weeks ago the greenies were freaking out because there was no ice on the great lakes. Superior is 33% frozen now. Probably be 50% by next month. It always averages out.
This whole climate change B.S. is just another way the democrats expand government, take your money, and do nothing.
Hell John Kerry thinks he can control the weather. Talk about a dumbass.emoji1782.png

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I actually seen a eco turd trying to say that a reduction of co levels caused by the pandemic and less travel overall is going to now warm the planet. They just move the goal post when it no longer fits the lies they are spewing, sad to see so many people allow it to go unchecked, always some excuse to cover for their 100% of the time wrongness.

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We’ve haven’t left the house since last Saturday. Half of the interior of the house has been repainted. Blinds and curtains washed. The recent renters in our back (future retirement house) have gone. Painting, getting ready for new renters completed in record time. All do to the massive snow storm [emoji2957][emoji2957]in south Texas. Back to normal finally. After one more hard freeze tonight.

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2 minutes ago, KARNUT said:

We’ve haven’t left the house since last Saturday. Half of the interior of the house has been repainted. Blinds and curtains washed. The recent renters in our back (future retirement house) have gone. Painting, getting ready for new renters completed in record time. All do to the massive snow storm emoji2957.pngemoji2957.pngin south Texas. Back to normal finally. After one more hard freeze tonight.

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Looks to me like Texas needs to rethink their building codes a bit and start realizing that sub 0 temps are possible.


Wonder how many home owners will get screwed when some technicality exonerates their insurance from paying out claims, like no flood insurance or something to that effect.

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19 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:

Know what coal is made from? Tropical Vegetation.



Map of worlds coal deposits. 


Image result for coal deposits in canada


There was a 5 minute Covid-19 spare time project. ? 

Interesting map from a geopolitical sense, it only reinforces my belief that China's ultimate goal is Russia's natural resources once they weaken us enough with their nefarious exports of bio-weapons (re:covid) and illicit fentanyl. Putin is making a huge mistake in trying to align himself with Xi, he should try to strengthen ties with the USA, who knows, maybe he has, but in our political climate here as of late that flies about as well as turkeys as Mr. Carlson found out.

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Looks to me like Texas needs to rethink their building codes a bit and start realizing that sub 0 temps are possible.
Wonder how many home owners will get screwed when some technicality exonerates their insurance from paying out claims, like no flood insurance or something to that effect.
I see the biggest problem is keeping the power on. Multiple family members have houses in Texas, some built in the 70s and some new. None had a problem with anything. They also didn't have to rely on the state or city to keep the houses warm.

This is why people need to have a backup plan for power and now it sounds like water.

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Looks to me like Texas needs to rethink their building codes a bit and start realizing that sub 0 temps are possible.
Wonder how many home owners will get screwed when some technicality exonerates their insurance from paying out claims, like no flood insurance or something to that effect.

Actually, most would have been ok if the electric had held up. My 30 year old house did fine. My co-op had rolling blackouts. They also do the water. No problems. My 15 year old rent house ( future retirement house) needed very little to be fine. Instead of telling people to drip. They should have told them to drain and open all faucets. Turn off the supply. At least even if there’s a broken pipe, there’s little flooding. Bad information from the local leadership.

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