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Covid19 Spare time


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I stumbled across a YouTube theme  of cargo trailer conversions and thought of this ^^^ comment.  Individuals are buying common 6'x10' single axle cargo trailers (or larger) and making them into their home away from home.   You could make a discrete (stealth) private oasis and have a "rest stop" anywhere parking is permitted!   

I proposed that exact thing to my wife. We usually have to stop every 80-100 miles. Basically a bathroom and small sitting area with AC and generator. She laughed. I wasn’t worried about a sleeping area. It would be surprisingly cheap. She wasn’t gamed about dragging around a toilet. As it turned out the truck stops and rest areas were fine.

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7 hours ago, j-ten-ner said:

I should buy more ammo for my 12 gauge. Doomsday is coming...

I still don't know anyone who is infected. Two of my guys at work went in for a test but came back negative.



so long


I also don't personally know anyone who has received a positive test nor do I know anyone who doesn't follow Covid19 protocols.   I do know individuals who are fearing doom and gloom but they can't just blame the coronavirus! ?   Many like me are experiencing extra time and unspent money/credit as a result of this pandemic.  This prompted me to start this thread.  The biggest depressor for me is restricted travel to our grandchildren (and their parents).  However, this has forced us to be more diligent with continuous online communication and frequent phone conversations.  It is actually compelling us to communicate with much more focused and in-depth content. The wonderful thing about the www is that we can look outside our immediate surroundings for a broader perspective on this pandemic.  I believe there is possibly a critical mass of people like me who are living a quality of life equal to  (albeit different) their pre-pandemic lives.  There is a small group who have actually improved their quality of life during this pandemic. I wish the whole thing would disappear but wishing, blaming, rebelling or ignoring won't make it go away.  

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On 9/11/2020 at 1:23 PM, KARNUT said:

I proposed that exact thing to my wife. We usually have to stop every 80-100 miles. Basically a bathroom and small sitting area with AC and generator. She laughed. I wasn’t worried about a sleeping area. It would be surprisingly cheap. She wasn’t gamed about dragging around a toilet. As it turned out the truck stops and rest areas were fine.

Cargo trailer conversions has become a YouTube favorite for me since these posts. It is interesting to see what people will build.  One common theme I see is people want the bed to be as comfortable as they have at home.  The surprising thing for me is the general low priority given to bathrooms.  Some will sacrifice a lot of space for a residential king sized bed but keep a lined bucket in a cupboard for their bathroom!  Building a tiny home or cargo trailer conversion intrigues me as a fun build project but a well kept used travel trailer would be a far better choice and financial decision, imo!

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8 minutes ago, Donstar said:

I also don't personally know anyone who has received a positive test nor do I know anyone who doesn't follow Covid19 protocols.   I do know individuals who are fearing doom and gloom but they can't just blame the coronavirus! ?   Many like me are experiencing extra time and unspent money/credit as a result of this pandemic.  This prompted me to start this thread.  The biggest depressor for me is restricted travel to our grandchildren (and their parents).  However, this has forced us to be more diligent with continuous online communication and frequent phone conversations.  It is actually compelling us to communicate with much more focused and in-depth content. The wonderful thing about the www is that we can look outside our immediate surroundings for a broader perspective on this pandemic.  I believe there is possibly a critical mass of people like me who are living a quality of life equal to  (albeit different) their pre-pandemic lives.  There is a small group who have actually improved their quality of life during this pandemic. I wish the whole thing would disappear but wishing, blaming, rebelling or ignoring won't make it go away.  

It always a great read. Appreciate the thought that goes into your post. Love that last line. Simple and to the point. BOOM!


I rode motorcycles most of my life and did so often without a destination or objective in mind other than the ride itself. Covered every state but Delaware, several Canadian states and some bordering states of Mexico.  Lot's of back road riding. To me a destination spoiled the trip. You quit looking and experiencing the journey. You move to fast and to long and you're always in a hurry to 'get there' wherever there may be. I learned this from my father, also a life time rider since the 30's. That's 1930's. 


Frankly I find most people tedious. Yes, even family. I prefer a five minute exchange at the gas pump than dinner with others. Well, except Dad and my wife. 


I haven't ridden in some years now so now I am duplicating that experience in the truck. It's not exactly the same but it's pretty darn close. Best part so far is I've found the perfect traveling companion. Rex my dog. He is a great conversationalist. 



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Cargo trailer conversions has become a YouTube favorite for me since these posts. It is interesting to see what people will build.  One common theme I see is people want the bed to be as comfortable as they have at home.  The surprising thing for me is the general low priority given to bathrooms.  Some will sacrifice a lot of space for a residential king sized bed but keep a lined bucket in a cupboard for their bathroom!  Building a tiny home or cargo trailer conversion intrigues me as a fun build project but a well kept used travel trailer would be a far better choice and financial decision, imo!

I spent my first 20 years pulling 5th wheels along with equipment for out of town work. You can’t relax much usually with normal driving, let alone pulling. Anticipating dumb ass moves people make. Especially with more going on to distract drivers. So after taking a few trips with covid around. I didn’t really find it worth it. Funny how a couple close calls in the rain at HWY speeds can enlighten your outlook. Dumb ass drivers.

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Neighbors are thinning their flower beds and I'm am benefiting. Hosta's, Black Eyed Susan.  Easy care, easy wear plants I can actually handle. Digging in a new Hosta bed today in an area that has to much shade to support health grass. Good by me. More plants, less grass to mow. Reviving an older bed I have used as the grass clippings area the last few years. Makes really good dirt. We did okay with tomatoes this year so maybe add something else next year in that area. 


Fall is coming early. No end of yard projects. But man, best the yard has looked in decades. 

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This made my morning!  We've strived to make our yard easy care and struggle to get away from gardening!  My increasing mobility issues favor me being vertical or horizontal but not a lot of movement in between.   A nice looking, obstacle free lawn has been my goal.  I removed a large garden area last spring along our back fence and replaced beautiful Hostas et al with a row of emerald cedars.  I spend more time nurturing these trees than I ever did with the previous array of plants!   We also wanted freedom to be able to leave our house for a few days and not worry about the gardens.  My wife has managed to keep tomato, blueberry, and assorted flowering plants in pots on our porch.  Thank goodness that we can't go anywhere because her portable garden requires constant care!  I must say that Covid19 has driven everyone in my cul-de-sac out into the yards and there is increased pressure to "keep-up".  It also forms a stronger comradery with neighbors.  There is almost always someone in earshot wanting to comment on the weather! (I get the weather, my wife gets the good stuff)  We strive for privacy but there is also a real sense of safety when you are surrounded by people who are not strangers.

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This made my morning!  We've strived to make our yard easy care and struggle to get away from gardening!  My increasing mobility issues favor me being vertical or horizontal but not a lot of movement in between.   A nice looking, obstacle free lawn has been my goal.  I removed a large garden area last spring along our back fence and replaced beautiful Hostas et al with a row of emerald cedars.  I spend more time nurturing these trees than I ever did with the previous array of plants!   We also wanted freedom to be able to leave our house for a few days and not worry about the gardens.  My wife has managed to keep tomato, blueberry, and assorted flowering plants in pots on our porch.  Thank goodness that we can't go anywhere because her portable garden requires constant care!  I must say that Covid19 has driven everyone in my cul-de-sac out into the yards and there is increased pressure to "keep-up".  It also forms a stronger comradery with neighbors.  There is almost always someone in earshot wanting to comment on the weather! (I get the weather, my wife gets the good stuff)  We strive for privacy but there is also a real sense of safety when you are surrounded by people who are not strangers.

As I get older I find myself in the same boat as far as yard work. The other factor here is the heat. I’ve been experimenting with roses and morning glory with good results. Meaning I don’t kill them as quick. With my past work schedule I didn’t do much besides law mowing before retirement.

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When we moved here the Mrs. had me cut in all sort of flowerbeds. Lots of mowing around. Lots of trimming. Of course she was suppose to care for them. That lasted about.............................a second. I then methodically removed them and reseeded with grass. The few new ones are now replacing areas so as to remove trimming. ? 


She now, at seasons beginning, buys all sorts of potted plants that she will care for. That last about............a nano second. Those I don't mind caring for. If they die....to the trash with them. Not many make it to the trash. I'm learning.... :crackup:

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12 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:

When we moved here the Mrs. had me cut in all sort of flowerbeds. Lots of mowing around. Lots of trimming. Of course she was suppose to care for them. That lasted about.............................a second. I then methodically removed them and reseeded with grass. The few new ones are now replacing areas so as to remove trimming. ? 


She now, at seasons beginning, buys all sorts of potted plants that she will care for. That last about............a nano second. Those I don't mind caring for. If they die....to the trash with them. Not many make it to the trash. I'm learning.... :crackup:

Ditto.  I could have written the same post. ^^^ 


We had a former Prime Minister (John Turner) pass away yesterday. There was a lot of film footage on the news of the '80's when he held his brief term in office. My wife and I were reminded of the many serious  local, global and personal struggles of the day.  However, fond memories were also conjured up and quickly monopolized our conversation.  The same dynamic will put Covid19 in its place in history.

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