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I don’t think the MLB season survives the week. Just on logistics alone, no time to make up these postponed games in a shortened season without dumping double-headers on said teams.

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On 7/26/2020 at 9:57 AM, OnTheReel said:

I totally reject the premise, so no, life isn’t a reason to keep schools closed. It’s actually a reason to open them. All this talk of common sense and yet you want to throw millions of healthy kids under the bus to protect a number I could count on one hand.

Even if it were necessary, why not make special accommodations for only those who need additional protection instead?

Oh yeah. Forgot. Doing that wouldn’t inflict misery on everyone for the benefit of Joe Biden.

You know I don't do poly-ticks :) 


If I looked in the dictionary under 'Gross Exaggeration" would I find the statement highlighted in red above? :crackup:


Is it a reason to keep roads closed? If the city got a report of an IED in a certain stretch of road would you insist on your child's school buss taking it anyway because "you reject the premise" "Life isn't a reason". That the odds are low the buss would hit it. That the buss driver needs his job to feed his kids? The problem with common sense is, it isn't commonly used. 


Are you suggesting Triage? Shall we give SAT's to 5th graders to see which ones deserve their parents or grandparents? 


Why is it that people get mad enough to burn cities and pull down statues over one persons truly tragic mistreatment but lobby to allow a third party put their own children in a position of risk. A country screams to "bring the troops home' because a few hundred a month die in a police action and yet find loosing tens of thousands to pestilence acceptable?   





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13 minutes ago, txab said:

And in a bubble too with the greatest cautions. Let's just toss several hundred kids in close quarters and see if the home opener gets canceled. 


General comment txab not directed at anything but the news. 

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Individual sports like golf and tennis will probably be competitive, but team sports like basketball, baseball, and football is a wash for me.  The champion will be the team with the most players left standing.


I feel this way about school, attendance will be in the classroom as long as the staff can stay healthy.  Heard on the news that senior staff members in the high risk category are retiring.  



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11 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:

You know I don't do poly-ticks :) 


If I looked in the dictionary under 'Gross Exaggeration" would I find the statement highlighted in red above? :crackup:


Is it a reason to keep roads closed? If the city got a report of an IED in a certain stretch of road would you insist on your child's school buss taking it anyway because "you reject the premise" "Life isn't a reason". That the odds are low the buss would hit it. That the buss driver needs his job to feed his kids? The problem with common sense is, it isn't commonly used. 





Because they disagree with you, I know you’re doing your best to ignore the same sources you’ve been pounding the table with for 3 months. But you should really read the studies on school-aged children and child to adult transmission. If you did, you’d see that the IED analogy is the only thing that should be in the dictionary as a gross exaggeration.

That is, unless this particular IED only gave the bus driver a head cold and none of the children were harmed at all. Then you’re close to the Covid-19 reality.


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So far we’ve had a little over 4 million people get this bug out of over 300 million people. We shut down the country for 2 months and millions lost their jobs. We’re hearing numbers being inflated. If you die of anything and happen to have the bug. It’s counted as a covid death. Imagine if that was done during flu season. It’s convoluted, overblown to cause panic. All this hysteria while the death rate drops. All this while our freedom is being evaporated. Shameful.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, OnTheReel said:

Because they disagree with you, I know you’re doing your best to ignore the same sources you’ve been pounding the table with for 3 months. But you should really read the studies on school-aged children and child to adult transmission. If you did, you’d see that the IED analogy is the only thing that should be in the dictionary as a gross exaggeration.

That is, unless this particular IED only gave the bus driver a head cold and none of the children were harmed at all. Then you’re close to the Covid-19 reality.


Oh this is fun. Studies? This thing has been around less than a year. What Studies? Based on what numbers? You mean the same numbers everyone of you is tell me is bogus? Riddle me this Batman. How does one choose which numbers to believe? Which data sets are accurate? By your own mouth they haven't been around longer than three months. But because they disagree with ME....or is it perhaps someone elses wishes or perhaps need?


The apostle Peter called Noah was called a preacher of righteousness. Yea, as he was building the ark he told people what was about to happen. All anyone had to do what step into the ark before God sealed the door. But they reasoned he was joking. It had never EVER rained on the earth before. He was mad as a hatter. His facts were wrong. FAKE NEWS. 


I read that account and I wondered exactly when they admitted to themselves Noah was right. Was it when the water was up to their ankles or was it when more than a few cubits over the tallest mountains drawing their last breath?


Even I admitted pages back that because PEOPLE were playing with numbers it was going to be hard to know anything other that there was crap on the floor. How deep? Who knows. You have to actually study something for it to mean anything. And you can study something to death based on false data and not reach a solid conclusion. 


Ever hear me say this? You can hide the facts.....you can't hide that many bodies.      

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On 7/26/2020 at 10:12 AM, mookdoc6 said:

Funny how Mayo is now down to 70%  I will let ya keep babbling as boasting my "Creds" is something I never have done.....40% is where Herd immunity starts effectively slowing the spread of Covid-19.

Which is all you really need to know.  No, we are not at "Herd" immunity my last figures have USA population at 15% that is the "Average" don't get all goofy now Grumps.

We are now looking at 25-35% of NYC average currently/previously infected.....Almost there in that local and you can already see the "TREND" big boy even if you "doff" the masks the aka: 2nd wave resurgence is most likely just not going to happen....I know it's a bummer to the LEFT but it's just how it is.  Then we have to listen to CUMMO talk smart in couple months with the "Look what I did"  lol.....sure it ran it's course Cummo good job!


I like you MOOK. Funny and honest but mostly restrained and open...


It has always been 70 to 90 percent. Long before SARS2 showed up. they didn't discover that in the last few months this thing has been around.  Now that said and because I like the way you present a differing view I will ask this...........


Look at the first time you said 40% in connection to herd immunity and tell me if you think a reasonable man could make the reasonable conclusion that it inferred the herd immunity was "obtained'? But by your expanded explanation is that by 40% it was "making" a difference?  Common now....your a reasonable guy..... you like to chum the water some...don't ya?


If you took my personal experience to be 'boasting' then I have not well explained. It's purpose was to show that you can not loose what you have not been taught. Education for decades has not been about teaching a student HOW or WHY but only in getting them to get an expected result. Those that are actually taught BASICS have the ability to reach beyond those basic building blocks to CREATE new ones that allow them to self teach not what is unknown but what is already known. I never taught myself a new 'branch' of mathematics but I did learn ones I didn't know leveraged off the basics I was taught. That's a good teacher me thinks. Just an average student. For my time...

Edited by Grumpy Bear
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33 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:

Blah blah blah


Ever hear me say this? You can hide the facts.....you can't hide that many bodies.      

Okay genius...the numbers generally have only gotten fudged in one direction, up. You and I both know that. The reason the stats are compelling and likely very accurate with children is easy. Since very few kids die of any causes, (let alone COVID), there’s no bodies to hide and no numbers for anyone to fudge in this case. Obviously kids aren’t dying of heart attacks or getting into motorcycle wrecks while infected with COVID-19 and being counted as a COVID death. What we see is what we get.

Here’s some reading material from sources you have quoted as gospel in the past but now reject when it doesn’t match YOUR motives. It all indicates your beliefs on schools, kids, teachers (and your analogies) are stupid and wrong. And no, I’m not cherry picking articles or stats here. These are from every imaginable source and I could have posted at least three times more. Including some opinion articles from the WAPO and NYT of all places.

In other words, everyone knows the obvious here. Except you apparently.















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Looks like Fbook doesn't like hearing from other medical experts, since the original link above was killed. Replaced with another link

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54 minutes ago, OnTheReel said:

                               Okay genius...the numbers generally have only gotten fudged in one direction, up.

Not true. They were fudged down you told me when States wanted to look good for reopening and boast how well that guy did. Tell me it ain't so. Now down for aid or for sympathy or votes or whatever I don't care. Point is you make my point for me. No reliable stats, no reliable study and your source....really CDC....you've rained on them to know end and now they say what you want and.....BINGO. 


At least is was a nice name to be called. :) Thank you. 



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7 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:

Not true. They were fudged down you told me when States wanted to look good for reopening and boast how well that guy did. Tell me it ain't so. Now down for aid or for sympathy or votes or whatever I don't care. Point is you make my point for me. No reliable stats, no reliable study and your source....really CDC....you've rained on them to know end and now they say what you want and.....BINGO. 


At least is was a nice name to be called. :) Thank you. 



You know I like giving you a hard time. But you can round the numbers for children way up or way down. A 0.00% mortality rate won’t change much no matter what you do.

Ironically, your own idiom about not hiding bodies would also apply here. If we can’t hide em...well, I don’t see ‘em, you don’t see ‘em, safe to say they don’t exist? 


What serious person can look at all of the evidence/ studies/ stats for schools and school aged children and conclude we need to close for a year? It would be as bad as me saying the virus didn’t exist at this point.

Maybe I’m way off base here but it just makes no sense at all and I’m left to think it’s simply political. Because it sure ain’t rational.

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2 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:

I like you MOOK. Funny and honest but mostly restrained and open...


It has always been 70 to 90 percent. Long before SARS2 showed up. they didn't discover that in the last few months this thing has been around.  Now that said and because I like the way you present a differing view I will ask this...........


Look at the first time you said 40% in connection to herd immunity and tell me if you think a reasonable man could make the reasonable conclusion that it inferred the herd immunity was "obtained'? But by your expanded explanation is that by 40% it was "making" a difference?  Common now....your a reasonable guy..... you like to chum the water some...don't ya?


If you took my personal experience to be 'boasting' then I have not well explained. It's purpose was to show that you can not loose what you have not been taught. Education for decades has not been about teaching a student HOW or WHY but only in getting them to get an expected result. Those that are actually taught BASICS have the ability to reach beyond those basic building blocks to CREATE new ones that allow them to self teach not what is unknown but what is already known. I never taught myself a new 'branch' of mathematics but I did lean ones I didn't know leveraged off the basics I was taught. That's a good teacher me thinks. Just an average student. For my time...


I have no issues with you Grumps!  Actually, I have learned a great deal...


The boasting was not pertaining to "you" more to me I was inferring and my ranking was considerably lower than my peers.  Mostly due to my energetic behavior and party atmosphere in later schooling days.  Believe me I think one of the greatest tragedies is the lopsided higher education systems that "Woefully" overcharge to push Left Wing Ideology.  It's only gotten worse since my time and the schools actively recruit and remove PROF'S that even show a inkling of conservatism.


Having direct Family members as Teachers and one a previous Principle in Illinois of all places I can tell you they are not worried about kids loosing "what you have been not taught" per: Grumps. They are squarely concerned about the "Monumental GAP."  Now we are spending up to Christmas break getting back to where kids should be?  The quality, time, Volume will never be normal this year?  So yeah " I never taught my dog to shake" I ONLY taught him how to "roll Over" "Fetch."  Those are things that will be lost Grumps, the missing pieces that may or may not ever be filled in?


Hey, if it's not your kid and somebody else's that  is learning to write d instead of b and it takes weeks,weeks because they already learned that "tiny" bit but somehow during their "GAP" they have put it into their heads the d is b and so forth?  Grumps, it's a major,major problem to prolong the kids learning and ZOOM or whatever the video crap is called is not going to help anybody.  That is only endorsed by Left Liberals to just put em in front of computer screen crap because it's not SAFE CRAP!


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