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Some call this a war, I'm ok with it but don't agree with the comparison.  Being involved with every military conflict between 1980 and today, just awkward to compare.  Regardless, I'm not used to losing a war.  Even if we were losing, we executed a plan for victory.  


A lot of people in America are like "A Few Good Men".  This thread is fun, but we're losing here folks, and are not executing a plan for victory.

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Then what is the plan?


Thing can't be shut off like a light switch to make it go away. You can't stop the world because things still have to happen to just survive. Mask mandates in states like California have been in place for 1 month or longer yet cases still sky rocketed, so what does that tell you?


If you ask me, you can make a plan but expect everything to change in a short time. The goal posts for all this continue to move, it's a going to be a outgoing cycle for a long time. Maybe a vaccine will come, maybe it won't. Yes, this is kinda just word vomit here.

Edited by CamGTP
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There is no plan that can work when 25-30 percent of people believe that all the official medical information is fake and that the disease is not a problem.


In Canada, where both the left and right worked together, and didn't politicize it, and did largely the same lockdown that the US did, and then began opening things up, it has gone WAY better.  There aren't people getting in fights or shooting each other over wearing masks.


And even when there will be a vaccine for it, the US will still be a train wreck with the growing number of anti-vaxxers.  I've already seen posts claiming potential vaccines will be similar to thalidomide.

Edited by davester
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26 minutes ago, davester said:

There is no plan that can work when 25-30 percent of people believe that all the official medical information is fake and that the disease is not a problem.

Funny that. Not Ha-Ha funny either. 

Nail has been hit on the head. 




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Early on when NYC was on fire the folks down in Texas claimed it was all a fake because it wasn't happening there.

Also said the the summer heat would drive it away.


Atheist says, "I only believe what I can see". 

Little boy says, " Do ya have a brain"?

"Sure!" the fella says. 

Little boy..."Have ya seen it"?




How's that going for ya now? 


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There is no plan that can work when 25-30 percent of people believe that all the official medical information is fake and that the disease is not a problem.
In Canada, where both the left and right worked together, and didn't politicize it, and did largely the same lockdown that the US did, and then began opening things up, it has gone WAY better.  There aren't people getting in fights or shooting each other over wearing masks.
And even when there will be a vaccine for it, the US will still be a train wreck with the growing number of anti-vaxxers.  I've already seen posts claiming potential vaccines will be similar to thalidomide.

The problem is more and more each day it’s being reported the positive numbers are questioned. You now have several counties on Florida that all test are 100 percent positive. Probable test in Texas counted as positive. Mast don’t work, now they do. Protesters wouldn’t get the bug, beach goers do. Political, HA. Everything in the last going on four years was anti Trump. Every thing is geared to this day to discredit him. So being skeptical of any government reporting and main stream is a matter of common sense. The last bug during the last administration wasn’t hardly reported. No shut down, no worries. Believe the numbers yea sure.

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Our local news station has reported that the Houston mayor says there will be no lock down. Deaths are half and hospitalization has leveled and trending down. We opened, we had an uptick, we’re trending down. Where as other stations are reporting a slowing of positives and deaths. Some are reporting just the positive trend.



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1 hour ago, KARNUT said:

The problem is more and more each day it’s being reported the positive numbers are questioned. You now have several counties on Florida that all test are 100 percent positive. Probable test in Texas counted as positive. Mast don’t work, now they do. Protesters wouldn’t get the bug, beach goers do. Political, HA. Everything in the last going on four years was anti Trump. Every thing is geared to this day to discredit him. So being skeptical of any government reporting and main stream is a matter of common sense. The last bug during the last administration wasn’t hardly reported. No shut down, no worries. Believe the numbers yea sure.

I  appreciate your unwavering support for your president. I understand that it is hurtful to believe numbers may be skewed to tarnish his reputation. For this reason, your skepticism is warranted.  However,  it is a mistake to use such beliefs to minimize respect for the virus. No matter if and how exaggerated the number is, the actual is still too high.  The statement, "Masks don’t work, now they do"  was used in a speech to discredit medical professionals.  The fact that masks went from being widely discounted to a requirement in a few months demonstrate medical professionals working to deal with this pandemic.  Masks have given the public a much needed and tangible tool to help combat the spread.  

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Basically everyone has already given in to the mask whim...Even where governments haven’t felt the need to mandate it, private companies are. And that’s totally within their right. Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens some recent additions. Of course it’s a business calculation, not them being altruistic.

My only question is...when the mask doesn’t work because they haven’t worked anywhere, what will be next? More shut downs? That’s how it’s playing out in California and parts of NY again.


And shut down until when? Until there’s a vaccine? A vaccine that fewer than half of people will get in the first year or two (due to logistics alone, not anti-vaxxers)? And a vaccine that may also only be 50% effective in people who get it?


You see how anyone with the capability to critically think gets concerned about the long term strategy here. Never mind it not being warranted; nothing we have done has worked and none of it is sustainable.

To overcome, I believe our mindset needs to move back to reality. It’s not a war, it’s a virus that’s well over 99% survivable as a whole, and literally 100% survivable in many age groups.

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I  appreciate your unwavering support for your president. I understand that it is hurtful to believe numbers may be skewed to tarnish his reputation. For this reason, your skepticism is warranted.  However,  it is a mistake to use such beliefs to minimize respect for the virus. No matter if and how exaggerated the number is, the actual is still too high.  The statement, "Masks don’t work, now they do"  was used in a speech to discredit medical professionals.  The fact that masks went from being widely discounted to a requirement in a few months demonstrate medical professionals working to deal with this pandemic.  Masks have given the public a much needed and tangible tool to help combat the spread.  

I don’t trust both sides. At almost 65 I’m not gullible. I use the constitution and the good book as my guide. That’s why I’m conservative. I give 15 percent and thanks. I wear a mask if it’s only to provide the other guy comfort. I research the news through multiple outlets daily. It’s amazing what news some will withhold to give advantage to a certain group. If you want to see how a certain party would run our country. There’s examples front and center on the news every night. I have family members in the real estate business. I know where people are leaving and where their going. I just pray they leave those ideals there.

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15 minutes ago, Donstar said:

I  appreciate your unwavering support for your president. I understand that it is hurtful to believe numbers may be skewed to tarnish his reputation. For this reason, your skepticism is warranted.  However,  it is a mistake to use such beliefs to minimize respect for the virus. No matter if and how exaggerated the number is, the actual is still too high.  The statement, "Masks don’t work, now they do"  was used in a speech to discredit medical professionals.  The fact that masks went from being widely discounted to a requirement in a few months demonstrate medical professionals working to deal with this pandemic.  Masks have given the public a much needed and tangible tool to help combat the spread.  

Valiant attempt but your asking people to actually give the news some thought and parse out the truth even when it does not support their bias. Especially when it does not. 


Prov. 14:15 The naïve person believes every word, But the shrew ponders every step.

Prov. 22:3 Young's Literal Translation
The prudent hath seen the evil, and is hidden, And the simple have passed on, and are punished.

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Valiant attempt but your asking people to actually give the news some thought and parse out the truth even when it does not support their bias. Especially when it does not. 

Prov. 14:15 The naïve person believes every word, But the shrew ponders every step.

Prov. 22:3 Young's Literal Translation
The prudent hath seen the evil, and is hidden, And the simple have passed on, and are punished.

Pot calling the kettle. Rock on OB1. May the force be with you.

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Here’s the funny thing “haha”. Dr. Fauci flip flopped on masks. Does anyone know why? Because he wanted to make sure the medical field had them first and there wasn’t a shortage for them. He never recommended the public to make them yourselves and what not. So he was lying to the public the first time? Whattttttt

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43 minutes ago, OnTheReel said:

nothing we have done has worked and none of it is sustainable.

I'm not sure on what you're basing your information but my belief is that we'd be in a far worse position if nothing we have done has worked.  Doing something has a far better chance of working than doing nothing.

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19 minutes ago, Donstar said:

I'm not sure on what you're basing your information but my belief is that we'd be in a far worse position if nothing we have done has worked.  Doing something has a far better chance of working than doing nothing.

Oh it works IF you can get some cooperation. 

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