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Electronic Glitch lost steering for one second, 2014 LTZ Crew

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So I have a 2014 Silverado LTZ Crew Cab 105k miles currently, I was driving home from the mall area just now making a right hand turn onto an access road with my right turn signal on. I was giving it a little gas as I noticed people were starting to get a green light on the left turn ahead and all the power went crazy. I lost the center console TV screen, lost steering, heard all of the locks sort of make clicking sounds. Then one second later everything came back up like normal. It might have even killed the engine, but I'm not sure if it did or not. The battery is strong, no issues with starting, and I drove it home without stopping or pulling over fine. No check engine light, I pressed the onstar button and had them run a diagnostic, they said something about traction control and shortly after they said that I got a pop up on the dash that said something like "brake assist" or something like that (I could be wrong, kicking myself for forgetting the exact notification, shouldn't of hit OK on it)


We put an ODB2 scanner on it anyway, nothing there, and my dad Hit clear on it anyway (maybe a bad idea if anything useful was saved there)


I know there were a couple recalls that I need to take care of, but not sure if it's related to an open recall or not


Let me know if anyone has any ideas, would hate to have it happen again in a higher speed situation

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Yeah I was watching that video on the G218, I'll check my battery cable again later (my dad said it was fine, he looked at it before connecting the OBDII) I'll probably go to the dealer for recalls and ask about it, might have them do it before popping my dash apart, but it doesn't look too bad to mess with the driver side ground there so if they want too much I might make the attempt

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Just to follow up, was planning to drive it Monday and deal with the issue next weekend, but the first right turn at a stop sign in my neighborhood killed the truck. Since I had to get to work I borrowed a car and my dad took it to get the recalls done and talk with them about it. (He managed to drive it in, with a follow vehicle)


They finished two recalls pretty quick (think it was a software update) and the trucks seems fine so far (drove it to work this morning) so I think it was the “Loss of power steering assist” recall doing it


I might have a weak ground still as this morning I noticed some dash flickering with headlights, fog lights, wipers etc But it must be connected well enough to make it


I’ll update here if it happens again though, but like I said it was low speed turns, which probably stresses the electric power steering a lot

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Do you have the original battery? If so, you need one asap! They last about 3 years max on average.

To be safe, pull a second ground cable from the negative side to the ground bolt next to the brake booster on the firewall. (this fixed all my issues)(ground cable from autozone)

Do the dash ground fix when you get a chance. All this should basically fix everything.

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