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On 1/13/2020 at 5:01 PM, Joe98 said:

First off,  glad you and your family are okay.  A horrible tragedy obviously, but like everyone says...it can be replaced.  Hope it all works out for ya.   Good luck.. 

thank you for your thoughtful reply 

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On 1/13/2020 at 3:37 PM, Thomcat said:

If KBB is over $35K it's a close one......should have dropped another on the hood just to be certain. It should be totaled, but depends upon the insurance company and if they decide it is salvageable to save them bucks on the payout. Worse if a leased vehicle because the lessee plays no part in making the ultimate decision on the disposition. 


If B pillars, seats and interior are intact my gut says they'll try to go for a repair. .....new roof, sunroof, door straightening & new skins curtain,  and repair/replace mechanisms if necessary, etc......possible the frame is still OK, depends on factors if tree hit a soft spot, how much tires and suspension cushioned and if roots slowed the decent and softening the wallop.


Hate to be a gloom and hope for the OP that it is totaled, but even if is totaled this vehicle will live again. Insurance company will sell for parts and MAYBE remember to reissue the title for salvage. Some salvager will "find" a donor vehicle repair it, then bounce it through a few owners in different States to wash the title, auction it off to a used car lot, someone poor buyer will get a fantastic bargain for $4K under KBB and then start bellyaching to this and other forums that their almost brand new, low mileage vehicle has all types of problems and is a piece of crap.


Unused airport runways, and mall parking lots loaded with a hundred thousand flood vehicles sold to salvage yards and/or auctioned off for parts.....many of them never saw a crusher and loads of bargain hunters are driving around with mud inside the rusting frames, corroding electrical connectors, etc. And how about flood owners without sufficient insurance coverage that did a DIY on the water cleanup and dumped them in trade for a dry new one - no Carfax on those?


That''s why I buy new...worth the extra bucks......once the cherry is broken by a previous owner it is a used car no matter what the shine or the mileage.

Oh , I pray some innocent soul doesn’t have this truck ever. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe someone has bid that high for it. People are now paying used truck prices for wrecked vehicles because of all those YouTube channels that repair salvage haha. Crazy. What are you going to pile up to make that $10k back? $3k for a used motor $2k for a trans, few hundred for seats and $500 for the rear dif. Maybe the used parts market is big down in the US, but we get a junkyard LS for $250 or drinking a couple beer with the scrap yard owner on a Saturday. 

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I see it’s Atlanta, GA West. I think I used to live right up the road from that lot (lived in Douglasville but now in Johns Creek). Anyone know by chance is that the lot right inside of Fulton county on Fairburn road?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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