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New from Dallas Texas, Need some advice!


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Just actually stumbled across this page while browsing coloradofans. Jeff from Dallas Texas, 2018 Colorado 4x4 LT, basically Stock as it's my daily. Also have a 2018 Camaro ZL1. I need some help, before I start looking at all of your trucks, mods, other cool stuff..


(copied this from coloradofans.com, also from a few subs on reddit..)


Hi all, need some advice- Let me preface this with, I am not trying to get anyone in trouble nor an I trying to throw anyone under the bus. I just want my Colorado fixed. I appreciate anyones feedback as I explain the story.
2018 Colorado LT, 4x4, 30k miles....

About three weeks ago, I had an appointment at my local Chevrolet dealer, which is a very large dealer in the Dallas/Fort-Worth metroplex. The truck has a very weird sounding, only can be described as an intermittent, yet ANNOYING and LOUD squeaking/rubbing sound coming from what sounds like the front of the truck. I showed up to my appointment, and the service advisor and I went for a ride, and he said that he could barely hear the sound, but I was able to hear it as clear as day. He also pointed out that he heard it when we accelerated, and when we braked. Nothing when we were coasting, not using the brakes, etc. He told me that I would have to leave it with him for a few days, or get there early on a Saturday for his guys to take it in. I didn't have the ability to do that at the time, so I told him I would reach back out in about a week or so.
Fast forward a week - I was to be traveling so I was going to leave the truck prior to leaving the DFW airport. I ran some errands in the morning, and after getting the truck up to operating temperature, It is not making the sound, at all. Unfortunately I did not have the time to deal with this at the time so I went back to my house, and hopped a ride to the airport.

Once I got back, and started my routine I noticed that the noise is still back and I can still hear it as loud as day. I made an appointment for 8:15 AM on last Tuesday. I showed up at 7:30 and they got me checked in. We took it for a ride around the lot, and the service advisor heard the noise. He got me right in. the shuttle took me to work. About three hours later he called me and he said - and please bear with me, I am no mechanic and my terminology may be off - "There was a seal in the transfer casing that was rotted..we fixed it, blah blah..and now it is not making the noise, OH, and you need an oil change. Want that while you're here?".

Hopped an uber back to the dealer on my lunch and drove back to the office. Everything seemed fine. I got out of work around 5pm that day and went to the grocery store, sure enough, the noise is still there, and louder than ever. I am getting frustrated at this point. I reviewed the work order only to find out that it mentions nothing about fixing anything, only that the tech could not duplicate the issue I described.

At this point, I am very hesitant to go back to that dealership, so I reach out to some other local enthusiasts for a referral, and I make contact with someone who works at a dealership about 30minutes south of where I live. I was to stop by Saturday morning, and ask for his buddy the service advisor. No problem at all. I stopped in right on time, met with the advisor, we took it for a ride around the lot. Sure enough, there it is! The noise on the stop, and on the go! He heard it, I heard it. But he told me that they won't get to it until Monday because the suspension, front end guys, etc, won't be in. I say OK, Whatever it takes. I also say, hey since I am new to town and need my registration switched, can you guys please do a safety inspection? He says yeah no problem.

Another $35 uber back to my apartment.

Today I get a call. And now, I am being told that the noise I am hearing is the noise of air going into the engine, and it's louder because I have a K&N Blackwing Cold Air Intake system. Which makes absolutely zero sense, since the noise only happens on the stop and go, and it's also a grinding/rubbing/squeaking noise. However, at this point.. I am not arguing. Because I have a short temper and I really don't want to be mean right now. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar.  I just picked it up, and it's still making the same noise. The intake is not causing the issue.. and I don't have the stock one as I just moved here. 

I'm not a mechanic, but that's the stupidest **** I've ever heard. I have had intakes on all of my cars. There's one on my 2018 ZL1 camaro, no noises like that. I had them on my 2016 SS, 2015 C7, etc.. Never had any issues. The only COMMON issue here is that much like in the past like I've dealt with Pontiac back in 2009, the dealership is using any kind of excuse to not have to do any work at all. (Example - in 2010, broken ball joint on my 2009 g8 gt - they blamed it on my roto-fab engine covers hitting the hood, when in fact, it was a MAJOR TSB..)

So a couple of things.

1) Where in DFW can I go to get this fixed
2) Should I even bother calling the GM customer care number.. because I am SERIOUSLY SICK OF "NO RENTALS BEING AVAILABLE" and having to pay for an uber. It's going to cost me $36 to get to the dealer tomorrow to pick the truck up.
3) Any other advise.

Thanks in advance.

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