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16k miles and now I'm angry...

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Well, as the title states I'm at 16,011 miles on my 19 Silverado and now all of a sudden things have taken a turn for the worse... 


1. I have had the issue for quite some time that I can not fill the truck.  I can hit 7/8 of a tank but not full.  Ok I can live with that I guess...


2. Noticed that the HC grill where the bronze color is located is just peeling off.  Like take your fingernail and it's gone in big chunks... Ok I guess I'll mention this next time I'm in for service.


3.  I have some bubbling under the chrome part of my steps... like on both sides, like it looks like acne... Ok, I'll add this to the list of items when I go for service also


4. Ok, so my brake pads only have 15% life left.  Oh so there is a bulletin about it and they should fix the issue and hopefully they will replace the pads also... I'll set that up for the next service also...


5. Hey so we are going to use your truck for a display in front of the building... Go wash it and park it out front... Sure, awesome... Free car wash! Yeah not so much...  I have the damned leaky rear window that I never noticed until now... Ok, so I'm definitely going to have to get this fixed because this is my winter vehicle and I don't need ice getting down into this crack... Ok, I'll call Monday and set this all up...


6. Saturday drove almost 200 miles and on the return trip my lane keep assist and parking assist just start freaking out and turn off.  Not snowing, no rain, nice sunny day... Well that's strange I'd better mention this also when I call Monday...  They are going to hate me with all of this stuff...


7. Now yesterday Sunday,  Need to go pick up my son so I head out and on the way decide that I should go ahead and fuel up.  No big deal hit my 7/8ths of a tank and head out.  Now turn left out of the gas station and straight through a red light... REDUCED BRAKES! I'm not going to say NO BRAKES because maybe I had 5% left... I was only going maybe 25 mph because the turn and the stop light are only maybe 25 yards till the light.  Thank GOD that no one was coming through that busy intersection because I couldn't STOP.  I gave it all I had and I'm not a small man...  So I pick up the boy and tell the girlfriend that I have no brakes and that I don't want to try to drive him home with no brakes in the truck.  We get some lunch and wait for her to show up.  maybe 45 minutes.  Go back out afterwards and start the truck and I magically have brakes again.  I babied it home and I don't trust it to work 100% of the time.


I called 1st thing this morning and I can't even get the truck into the local shop until Thursday.  I'm going to drive it the 35 miles to the dealer and I will definitely have heightened senses.   Here's to hoping the 1st off GM does the right thing and fixes my truck and 2ndly I hope that no one has the terrifying feeling of coasting through an intersection.  I know that there are threads on these issues all over this forum but it seems like they have all cropped up in the past month for me...  I'll be happy to keep everyone posted on my progress and let you know what I Find out!

Edited by Pyrojodge
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The brake thing sounds scary,   I'm wondering if the brakes worked but had no power assist.  There was a time when power assisted brakes were an option.  (There is a huge difference in effort required with a full sized truck.)    The other option when brakes "fail"  is to use the e - brake.  Some people call it the parking brake  but I remember it as the "emergency" brake.

I believe that if you approach your service advisor in a positive, respectful manner you will have a good experience.  If you go in hating your truck and expecting to "go through hell" then it will be unlikely for you to leave happy.  You should be able to submit a list of items that are obvious defects in materials or workmanship and have them repaired.  If your service department doesn't have the authority to make a particular repair then their is an appeal process outlined in your owner's manual.  I have found the system works and I'm always mindful that the issue I'm having is not the fault of any individual.  If you  find yourself raising your voice or getting angry at your service advisor, chances are you may be doing it wrong.

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I’d had vehicles stall and could still stop them with no boost. If I couldn’t, I would lose all confidence and couldn’t drive it or the brand again. I’ve driven manual brake vehicles. Why can’t they be stopped without boost?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So on a side note follow up... I fully understand the brake booster purpose.  I have a1957 Pontiac with manual brakes and manual steering.  I'm a big guy and I was giving those brakes everything I had.  I would not be surprised if I bent the brake arm...


I fully intend on following the process and being professional to the dealer and the service adviser as I understand they didn't cut my brake lines or do anything themselves...

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Good luck but I think the dealer will take care of you just fine.  Brake failure is something they never want to hear.  While you are there, check to see it they have the parts for the latest recall of a seat belt tensioner.  May save you a trip back???

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It’s not completely, but essentially, brake by wire...so it’s not just losing power assist when this ZF IBC fails, you lose basically everything. The hydraulic “fail safe” it reverts to is nearly worthless. Had it happen once. Scared the shit out of me. Also had the leaking window and brake pad monitor nonsense. Good luck.

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14 hours ago, OnTheReel said:

It’s not completely, but essentially, brake by wire...so it’s not just losing power assist when this ZF IBC fails, you lose basically everything. The hydraulic “fail safe” it reverts to is nearly worthless. Had it happen once. Scared the shit out of me. Also had the leaking window and brake pad monitor nonsense. Good luck.

Does the emergency/parking  brake still work independently?  Brake failure is a scary prospect and perhaps something we should all think about what to do in case it happens. This once was taught in "drivers' ed."   You should be able to bring a vehicle to a safe stop with gearing down and using the parking brake.  I know electronic parking brakes are  becoming more common which I think would eliminate the emergency potential.  (I find this change very scary!)

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1 hour ago, Donstar said:

Does the emergency/parking  brake still work independently?  Brake failure is a scary prospect and perhaps something we should all think about what to do in case it happens. This once was taught in "drivers' ed."   You should be able to bring a vehicle to a safe stop with gearing down and using the parking brake.  I know electronic parking brakes are  becoming more common which I think would eliminate the emergency potential.  (I find this change very scary!)

I dropped my truck off this morning because I had my brakes go out Sunday night. They refused to look at it at first because there was no CEL on for it and the brake worked fine after it happened. I had to plead with them to just take a look at it. 


I don't care about all the other issues I have but when it comes to brake failure, something needs to be done. 

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22 hours ago, ct_corey said:

when it comes to brake failure, something needs to be done. 

You're correct that you need to do something if you are experiencing brake failure.  If you haven't followed the "Customer Satisfaction Procedure" found in your owners' manual (Sec13-1?) then this needs to be your next step.  Be persistent, polite and keep notes.  Make sure your notes are factual c/w time and date of conversations.

Your earlier comments suggest that you had previous unpleasant experiences with "GM".   They are a huge company with many practices and policies in place to guard against false claims.  My first hand experience is that following each step will get you to the next.    If you are legitimately frightened  to drive your truck, and your dealer won't provide a loaner, then find interim transportation.  Keep receipts.  Driving a vehicle that your legitimately afraid of is something you have control over.  

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