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Advice: is there something I can do?

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So I'm looking for advice because I just purchased a new 2019 1500 2.7 LT 3 weeks ago. I bought it on a Saturday. The next day it started making a tick that sounded like lifter tick. Monday I brought it in and they confirmed that it was lifter tick and that they would get it fixed..... one problem, that was the morning the UAW went on strike and they can't order my parts. So now my new truck has been sitting in the shop for almost 3 weeks. Yes they have given me a loaner, but that's a pain .. they've already switched me into a second one because of mileage. It was depressing enough that my brand new truck had an issue, but now I'm getting very aggravated knowing I'll be making a payment soon for a truck I haven't driven, plus I really just want my truck. This was a big purchase for us and we were excited and a little anxious, but now just getting miserable.


So .... is there anything I can do? Ask them to find a truck just like mine and give me that one and when (who knows) they get mine fixed, keep it? Is that a thing?  I'm certainly not looking for anything other than to actually own the truck I bought, but at this point there really is no telling how long that could be.



Edited by motherpuncher22
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If maybe consult a lawyer in your area that specializes in cars and lemons. Now I’m not 100% sure if lemon comes into play but end of the day it’s not your problem they can’t fix it. So could this be a lemon case ? Either way truly sucky situation. I feel for you man 

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Unfortunately like you said it’s just bad timing. It doesn’t make it a lemon - those UAW folks just need to quit bitching and get their ass back to work. You’re not the only one in this spot, there are SO many dealerships waiting on parts for warranty and non warranty vehicles. Shops are full here

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Yeah. Same here. My parts are still on order for my truck from two weeks ago. Nothing's moving if the parts have to come from GM from what I can see.

Even the business I work for is impacted as we are not shipping any product to GM right now. We have inventory everywhere they are going to get slammed when they fire things back up.

At least they put you in a loaner. That's the right thing to do in this situation for you.

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, motherpuncher22 said:

So I'm looking for advice because I just purchased a new 2019 1500 2.7 LT 3 weeks ago. I bought it on a Saturday. The next day it started making a tick that sounded like lifter tick. Monday morning I brought it in and they confirmed that it was lifter tick and that they would get it fixed..... one problem, that was the morning the UAW went on strike and they can't order my parts. So now my new truck has been sitting in the shop for almost 3 weeks. Yes they have given me a loaner, but that's a pain .. they've already switched me into a second one because of mileage. It was depressing enough that my brand new truck had an issue, but now I'm getting very aggravated knowing I'll be making a payment soon for a truck I haven't driven, plus I really just want my truck. This was a big purchase for us and we were excited and a little anxious, but now just getting miserable.


So .... is there anything I can do? Ask them to find a truck just like mine and give me that one and when (who knows) they get mine fixed, keep it? Is that a thing?  I'm certainly not looking for anything other than to actually own the truck I bought, but at this point there really is no telling how long that could be.




Dealer has to overnight as long as they aren't backordered.  Its the only way for a GM dealer to get parts for customers right now is special order overnight.  Its warranty so the dealer can get paid up to $100 in emergency purchase for the job.  Not sure what their excuse is.  

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My dealer is low on stock for oil filters for the V8s due to the strike. I went in to get a filter for my 2.7 the other day (no one has them for the 2.7 around here aside from the dealer), and the guy told me I basically would be up a creek if it weren’t for that. I got the impression they won’t sell them over the counter right now for the others. 

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Seams to be hitting all dealers.  My dealer usually can get parts next day and I have been waiting 2 weeks for some small stuff that I ordered.  For some reason GM has had lifter issues for a long time.  I hate to sound crude but drive the heck out of it until they call with the lifters.  If something else is going to break, you want them to fix everything.  I am not a fan of that variable oil pump, I know why it is there but it may be starving lifters.  Please verify that they are replacing the set and not just one lifter.  My brother went thru his dealer replacing one, then 3 and finally he took it to the dealer that I use Buff Whalen and they did it right by replaced all of them in his new Grand Sport.   So his engine has now been apart 3 times to fix an issue that should have been fixed the first time.

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Thanks for the replies guys. They did tell me from the first day that they wouldn't just replace one lifter, it would be all of them... so there's that. I do think I'll at least attempt to get them to find me another truck. It's not like it should be too hard, it's nothing fancy not even the wheel upgrade lol.

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Have you asked the dealer if you have other options?


Seems to me if the issue came up in the first 24 hours of ownership that they might have more options than if it was a after weeks/months of ownership.


Of course it may be tough for them to get/trade for another truck for the same reason they can't get parts shipped.



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.02  I can't understand why someone would bring in the car one day after purchase for a lifter noise, especially on a green block....no way I'd do this with a 2 day old new car.  If the thing still runs, better to wait because they may cure the symptom, but not the underlying problem.


My V8 did it the next morning after I changed the oil and filter at 1K. After a few minutes it went away and hasn't come back since, probably something to do with oil bleed back or an air embolism on a DFM lifter. Even if the noise didn't go away, I'd ride the crap out for a month or so to see if it got worse or maybe better if maybe just bur or a  piece of manufacturing material that  had to wear  in.


A tick isn't always a damaged lifter, could be temporarily oil starved or the oil feed solenoid valve froze up on the DFM on the valley manifold on an AFM. 


What's wrong with riding it out instead of letting the dealer tear it apart and maybe screw something else up? It will still be under warranty a few weeks later.

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