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The Peckish Synapse

Grumpy Bear

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On 2/28/2023 at 11:35 AM, Grumpy Bear said:

When the news isn't.


When the story goes, "In our assessment it is likely.............", as if it's fact, as were the FBI's comments on Wuhan....


So, no concrete proof, just some mud and smear. :sigh: 


If this sort of trash reporting were taken from the news, including the weather report, what would be left to report? 


It has been my practice for years to record and watch the national news at least once per day. I give up. a 30-minute show of junk reporting, and I mean EVERYONE; that is more like 10 minutes of trash and 20 minutes of advertising.


Where is Walter type reporting?




Wait for it?




Edited by Grumpy Bear
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Grumpy, that’s your opinion. I’ve read articles that the man in the picture was responsible for the end of the Vietnam war. Some of course would say that good, some say bad. They had way more losses than us. The reporting (his) took our will away. But it started a trend of wars with us really making no gains. Just losses. The reports were always about human losses. Not the humans we were trying to liberate. I had many relatives who fought in Vietnam. It was demoralizing. The point is he added slant to the news. And people watch the slant they prefer. I used to watch Peter Jennings. Now it’s Bret Bair. I witnessed two nieces from a very conservative two parent home after 4 years of college. Completely change the way they treat their parents. How the view life, men, sex, marriage and their country. The oldest two years removed living in the real world. Is slowly shaking off the indoctrination from her professors. These are supposed to be teachers. Everyone has a slant it comes out some are militant about it. Now someone is going to come along and say it’s MAGAS fault. Most of it is human nature. Some without moral guidance. This morning I’ll see what Bill Oreily has to say one of few I record. He’s on at the same time as Tucker. After I’ve read msn, cnn, and the other print news I digest before my walk. While walking I listen to Mark, Glenn, or Dan. Somewhere in all that I get the news. These of course are my opinions. And really all I have to say about it. 

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42 minutes ago, KARNUT said:

 The reporting (his) took our will away.


And there it is. That didn't take long. :rolleyes: Cancel stamp. 


News isn't supposed to shape opinion. News whose purpose is to shape opinion, once again, is propaganda. 


The purpose of news is to inform.


Just tell me the truth. I'm a big boy and can form my own opinion or conclusions as the case may be. Two of the biggest "Red Flags" for me in reporting are the commentary after the report telling us what it means and the lack of precision in the delivery such as, it could be, could it be, perhaps, in our opinion, generally speaking, in all likelihood, is likely. That sneaky speech that keeps the reporter in the state of deniability yet shapes weak and willing minds. Something moral reporting would be sensitive to and avoid. You should never have to ask, "Are they saying"?


That (his) reporting showed helo's full of black bags of body parts. Feilds of bodies laid out like logs. National Guardat Kent State. THOSE TRUTHS took the will away. The truth of the horror of war. I was there and so were you and neither of us was old enough to be present on the field during the worst of that wars offering. We were old enough to hear the truth. 


As a child of the Cold War we were assured by parents and teachers that propaganda is what THEY did and what we did was tell the truth. :crackup: What dad did was dig a bomb shelter. :( What school did was run Bomb Drills. 


Walter told the truth best he could. And like any reporter of any day, sometimes higher powers shaping our reality told him and others what the TRUTH was. Watergate ring a bell? Bomb shelters? Lies told by leaders to the media, told to us, that sounded like truth. 


People look at lies as black or white. Truth a toy to be played with. A lie is just a lie. It has no color. Even the smallest one erodes trust. 


IMHO, not a single news source today can be trusted. I'm not anti-FOX or Pro-CNN. I'm sick of the lies and they ALL lie. there is no choice to be made. Knot heads can't even deliver the weather without drama and maybe.  


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1 hour ago, Grumpy Bear said:


And there it is. That didn't take long. :rolleyes: Cancel stamp. 


News isn't supposed to shape opinion. News whose purpose is to shape opinion, once again, is propaganda. 


The purpose of news is to inform.


Just tell me the truth. I'm a big boy and can form my own opinion or conclusions as the case may be. Two of the biggest "Red Flags" for me in reporting are the commentary after the report telling us what it means and the lack of precision in the delivery such as, it could be, could it be, perhaps, in our opinion, generally speaking, in all likelihood, is likely. That sneaky speech that keeps the reporter in the state of deniability yet shapes weak and willing minds. Something moral reporting would be sensitive to and avoid. You should never have to ask, "Are they saying"?


That (his) reporting showed helo's full of black bags of body parts. Feilds of bodies laid out like logs. National Guardat Kent State. THOSE TRUTHS took the will away. The truth of the horror of war. I was there and so were you and neither of us was old enough to be present on the field during the worst of that wars offering. We were old enough to hear the truth. 


As a child of the Cold War we were assured by parents and teachers that propaganda is what THEY did and what we did was tell the truth. :crackup: What dad did was dig a bomb shelter. :( What school did was run Bomb Drills. 


Walter told the truth best he could. And like any reporter of any day, sometimes higher powers shaping our reality told him and others what the TRUTH was. Watergate ring a bell? Bomb shelters? Lies told by leaders to the media, told to us, that sounded like truth. 


People look at lies as black or white. Truth a toy to be played with. A lie is just a lie. It has no color. Even the smallest one erodes trust. 


IMHO, not a single news source today can be trusted. I'm not anti-FOX or Pro-CNN. I'm sick of the lies and they ALL lie. there is no choice to be made. Knot heads can't even deliver the weather without drama and maybe.  


Fox corporate ( Murdoch) and it’s hosts demonstrably lied about 2020 election which got the tinker toy wannabe army to attack the Capitol. Lying news has consequences.  
Dismissing all reporting as a lie is EXACTLY what Goebbels and Putin want. That way we are incapacitated into not acting. Very dangerous to democracies but essential for authoritarian control.  Don’t let that happen here. Regardless of your flavor of ideology. 

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2 hours ago, customboss said:

Dismissing all reporting as a lie is EXACTLY what Goebbels and Putin want. That way we are incapacitated into not acting.


Interesting but incomplete idea me thinks. Oh, it would be true if there were not tools for ferreting truth from lies.... but there is.


Remember, the more convincing the lie the more truth it contains. It's why you believe the lie. :D That said we are not short of people that hear something that is all lie, know it is and believe it anyway. They to have an agenda than is not aligned with anything good. 



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On 2/28/2023 at 10:46 AM, customboss said:

Funny the false narrative of the 2020 election BIG LIE is being covered by every known to god and man news outlet but GUESS who isn't?????   NEWS CORP AND FOX NEWS.....  Roger Ailes was a liar and after R Nixon wasn't gonna allow truth to reign in US so we killed the requirement by FCC licensed outlets to report verifiable news ( FAIRNESS DOCTRINE REPEAL)  and allowed the construct of FOX.  FOX being pumped into the common areas of US MILITARY for the past 30 years has had a great effect of making our young military folks into brain dead MAGA believing morons........


Theres where fair and balanced went, out the door with the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


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Speaking of rules of evidence and for people who like to hear both sides of the story. Tucker Carlson supposedly has the rest of the January 6 tapes. May or not support a different story line. I know people fought real hard to keep all the evidence from being seen.  I spend hours daily watching and reading from different organizations. For the usual suspects who say they are a shrill for Trump. You haven’t been up to date. I’m not interested in a debate. This purely informational. For those who think this was an insurrection ( without guns) it could be additional information. I’m expecting anything.

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3 minutes ago, KARNUT said:

Tucker Carlson


I need a couple of drinks to listen to him. Even then he'd fit better at the Two Drink Minimum Comedy Shope. Even then I'd see him as a "One Trick Pony." Every broadcast follows the same rush and rout. 


Argument starts with "Could it be" followed closely by "IF so then"......that it isn't news and it isn't even information. This is his 'style'. Offers a conjecture quickly followed by a line of argument he just based that conjecture on and finishes with a spin that makes many forget what the reasoning is based on. Nothing! He makes me laugh. 


They all do this, but Carlson is shameless. No attempt at all to hide his trickery. It's like watching a two-year-old magician pull a quarter out of a dog's backside. :crackup:



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20 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:


I need a couple of drinks to listen to him. Even then he'd fit better at the Two Drink Minimum Comedy Shope. Even then I'd see him as a "One Trick Pony." Every broadcast follows the same rush and rout. 


Argument starts with "Could it be" followed closely by "IF so then"......that it isn't news and it isn't even information. This is his 'style'. Offers a conjecture quickly followed by a line of argument he just based that conjecture on and finishes with a spin that makes many forget what the reasoning is based on. Nothing! He makes me laugh. 


They all do this, but Carlson is shameless. No attempt at all to hide his trickery. It's like watching a two-year-old magician pull a quarter out of a dog's backside. :crackup:



Lots of people enjoy his comedy. That’s why he leads the pack. The way I see it if it’s on video it’s at least half true. Reminds my of the old saying. Believe half you see, nothing you hear.

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17 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:


I need a couple of drinks to listen to him. Even then he'd fit better at the Two Drink Minimum Comedy Shope. Even then I'd see him as a "One Trick Pony." Every broadcast follows the same rush and rout. 


Argument starts with "Could it be" followed closely by "IF so then"......that it isn't news and it isn't even information. This is his 'style'. Offers a conjecture quickly followed by a line of argument he just based that conjecture on and finishes with a spin that makes many forget what the reasoning is based on. Nothing! He makes me laugh. 


They all do this, but Carlson is shameless. No attempt at all to hide his trickery. It's like watching a two-year-old magician pull a quarter out of a dog's backside. :crackup:



Even worse with the Dominion lawsuit disclosures of lying to Stan and others that want lied to........... Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, Pirro, Baritromo, Lachlan Murdoch (CEO FOX), Suzanne Scott ( President of FOX), Big Daddy Rupert Murdoch Exec ( Chairman Newscorp, Vice Chair of FOX NEWs). 


FOX OVERTLY lied from top down about Trumps lies about election because they are afraid of Stan and other MAGA supporters.  This is really dangerous to have OVERT PROVEN Lies about someone who is running AGAIN for POTUS. 


No comparison between demonstrated lying and missinfo to any other news source.   1.6 billion defamation charges is just the start if the judge is not bought and sold. 


So to think eastern elitist Tucker the frat boy turned Orbahn boot licker will do anything positive with tapes of the first attack on our capitol in our history is helpful is at least misguided, mostly ignorant unless you want an authorritarian regimen to take the place of a consitutional republic.   

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