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The Peckish Synapse

Grumpy Bear

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12 hours ago, customboss said:

Eyeballs, I’ll take this to PM if you choose. Especially if you promise to stop posting political stuff and getting my blowback. Wow ! Milwaukee politics that’s more complex than our current two parties. I especially want to address the economic aspect the Forbes article proves. Not party.  Apologies to Grumpy Bear. 

Do you not remember posting this before I ever said a word in this thread? Seems like a political statement, thinly veiled at best:


Or what about this in the joke thread? I guess this isn’t considered “posting political stuff” to you? 


You stir the pot, get the expected reaction, and then pretend you’re above the fray and I’m attacking you. It’s exhausting to have a conversation with someone like this.

I respect and appreciate yours (and Grumpy’s) expertise in other areas, but we have nowhere to go on politics or social issues at this time. 

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20 minutes ago, OnTheReel said:

Do you not remember posting this before I ever said a word in this thread? Seems like a political statement, thinly veiled at best:


Or what about this in the joke thread? I guess this isn’t considered “posting political stuff” to you? 


You stir the pot, get the expected reaction, and then pretend you’re above the fray and I’m attacking you. It’s exhausting to have a conversation with someone like this.

I respect and appreciate yours (and Grumpy’s) expertise in other areas, but we have nowhere to go on politics or social issues at this time. 

Yes, exhausting. 

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28 minutes ago, OnTheReel said:

Do you not remember posting this before I ever said a word in this thread? Seems like a political statement, thinly veiled at best:


Or what about this in the joke thread? I guess this isn’t considered “posting political stuff” to you? 


You stir the pot, get the expected reaction, and then pretend you’re above the fray and I’m attacking you. It’s exhausting to have a conversation with someone like this.

I respect and appreciate yours (and Grumpy’s) expertise in other areas, but we have nowhere to go on politics or social issues at this time. 

Current events and funny joke combined.  Relax Eyeballs, I have your six like I did when you were comfortable at home back in the early 80's. 

I will admit I am a bit off after the experiences of my life and synapse changing events.  I really respect the view points shared here, I also counter what I see as common misconceptions and misguided diagnoses of cause and effect. Apologies if that offends. I am trying to do better and my VA counselor says I am.  

Edited by customboss
add do for Wisconsin Eyeballs all knowing friend
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The way we are raised and life shapes us all IMO. The animal world culls out the weak/sick thus controlling the gene pool. We are supposedly the superior race, but fail continuously by our disrespect for life. Animals kill to survive, we kill for many reasons and we have become soft in our dealing with the bad people in our society, IMO. 


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Do you try drugs to help keep your dog calmer during the fireworks. I used them successfully when I had my Irish Setter. In his later years he disliked fireworks and sometimes thunder

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13 minutes ago, txab said:

Do you try drugs to help keep your dog calmer during the fireworks. I used them successfully when I had my Irish Setter. In his later years he disliked fireworks and sometimes thunder


Wife gave him some all natural floral derivative that seems to help.

A "Thunder Shirt' helps a bit but not as well as they say. 

Boy needs allot of assurance. He nest between me and the arm of the recliner and I put a towel over him, turn up the TV a bit and all of the above works until well go to bed. Then he goes back to his hiding place behind his crate and shakes himself to pieces. 


If you have something specific in mind, share please! Took about a month last year before he was right again. 

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1 hour ago, customboss said:

Apologies if that offends. I am trying to do better and my VA counselor says I am


None required. Not an offence. Just not site allowed. 


You are doing GREAT. Stay with the program brother. 

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4 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:


Wife gave him some all natural floral derivative that seems to help.

A "Thunder Shirt' helps a bit but not as well as they say. 

Boy needs allot of assurance. He nest between me and the arm of the recliner and I put a towel over him, turn up the TV a bit and all of the above works until well go to bed. Then he goes back to his hiding place behind his crate and shakes himself to pieces. 


If you have something specific in mind, share please! Took about a month last year before he was right again. 

I don't remember what the drug was. It's been a few years. It worked pretty well without long lasting effects. When I had my dog they set the fireworks off at a local University sports complex that is only1/4 mile at most, so it was loud. Now it's just the neighborhood yahoos  that do it all hours of the night several days before and after the 4th. They're not close, so that's good.

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  • 1 month later...

Happy to be Wrong


Recently I had the opportunity to be really wrong. I misremembered. Made an inaccurate chemistry statement and frankly if someone beside me caught it, they did say. Eventually I did and tattled on myself and was pleased, happy actually. 


It forced me to remember there are only two ways to learn.


  1.  Accept you are ignorant.
  2.  Accept what you believe to be true is not and you are ignorant.


So yes, very happy. And yet sad. 


Happy that I relearned/remembered something lost.

Happy that a thing learned leverages other things you do know. 

Happy I didn't feel embarrassed over it.


Pleased that knowing and acknowledging your ignorance takes some humility. 


Sad that as soon as you know that, humility escapes.....again. 


Those that you call friend won't mind and those mind don't matter.

Helps separate the wheat from the chaff.

That makes me happy. 





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1 hour ago, customboss said:

Join the club of those that learn and those that refuse to.....I prefer to be wrong and learn.  Its encouraging to meet people like you Grumpy!  


Back at ya little brother from another mother. 😉 

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Social Media reports "A" Narrative not the News.....

Who reports the News?  


Business makes money not products or services. 

Apprentices make mistakes.

A Journeymen's interest is in the jobs completion and payment.

A Master Craftsman seeks an unattainable satisfaction. His newest piece is always his best work.

Master Craftsman are nearly extinct. 




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  • 2 weeks later...



My paternal grandmother and her youngest daughter were old country girls that, as great grandmother did, enjoyed needle work; tatting, embroidery, crochet, needlepoint, and they made some small money doing it for others in the form of making wedding dresses at home. They never made more than a few hundred for the most expensive and delicate works but those works would rival a $15,000 from any of the top five designers. I'm not saying this brag on family but to make a point about progress. 


My mothers needlework needed work. Hopeless in fact as not everyone has the talent, skill nor even desire to master one much less all of the needle arts. So instead she traded in her pedal Singer for an electric that had eccentrics that allowed anyone to do embroidery. Today a computer does what it took grandmother a lifetime to master. Progress??


Well mother never learned how to tatt and never experienced the joy and personal satisfaction of mastering such a skill nor enjoy the work of her hands in the way that those that preceded her did. The end product however from 50 feet was comparable. In much the same way a print can mimic a Da Vinci or Rembrandt but on close inspection will not pass muster. Still if your guest are unaware....


What "Progress" allowed was mass production that mimics the original closely enough, for the masses, to make huge profit margins but delivers not a single benefit to the spirit.


My wife awakened me to this flaw recently when I was waxing nostalgically during a fine summer morning about driving a particular piece of very pretty road in a Brit two seater such as a Healy Sprite or Triumph TR3. I thought she went to sleep but soon realized she was buried in her phone looking for two seat convertible sports cars. A new Fiat 500 or a Miata she queried with a smile!. Oh they ride nice and have AC and an automatic transmission and some very nice seats but....


No matter how hard I explained the total experience to her it was much like watching grandmother attempting to explain the gratification of her works to my mother. Lights are on, no one is home. Not her fault by any means. How can you hope to invoke the smile your first taste of chocolate inspires to a person who doesn't know what chocolate even is? You can define it. Show pictures of it but that connection happens only in the doing of it.... They have no interest....Progress extinguished it


Is that progress??? 


Every once in awhile you see the wick give up a whisper of smoke as you see someone deep in the enjoyment of those things less profitable to the pocketbook and greatly so to the spirit. A craft show perhaps or one of those time locked communities that stay in character. Some 93 year old man reworking a 239 Flatty....


Rembrandt at his easel and you in the front row....



Edited by Grumpy Bear
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