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Navigation Voice mixing up right and left

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I don't think my friend (2017 Silverado) or me (2018 Silverado) both with factory navigation are hearing things but maybe we are!  We are both experiencing the same problem.


Most of the navigation instructions on the map and its voice instruction agree with each other.  When the map reads turn left, the voice says " turn left."  When the map reads turn right, the voice says "turn right."  But about 20 percent of the time, rather than saying "turn left" it would say "turn reft," or rather than saying "turn right" it would say "turn light," clearly not "left" or "right," causing me to refer to the map.


Anyone else experience this?  Hopefully now that I mentioned it other people don't start hearing it too!


I just got a letter from GM concerning the latest update, before I spend the $99 I'd love know if they fixed this.

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