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6 hours ago, customboss said:

THEY AREN’T MY OILS. I’m not owning or working for anyone anymore. EVEN WHEN I consulted I did not market for them. I TESTED INDEPENDENTLY until I worked for CUMMINS. 

The fact you personalize a brand shows me you are a novice. Talk talk 


I SAID you market IDEAS. Never said oils. YOUR ideas. THAT is what I said. 


You give me too much credit. You've tell me in nearly every post I can't tell/show you anything. :rollin:I'm a novice, remember? You just said so. Read you post again. You missed your logic pill today. I personalized nothing and even if I did, YOU couldn't be 'Shown" anything by me. You talk in circles. 


Move on. You can't get what you are after flailing away at me. 

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WWE script writers watching the endless Customboss vs Grumpybear tennis match to get ideas for next week's airing of Friday Night Smackdown:




Anxiously awaiting further comment from Black02silverado, followed by AMSoil placement pitch. 🤣

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1 hour ago, Grumpy Bear said:



What do you think the difference might be between "Personalizing" and "Being Convinced"? 🤔


As a core belief I don't think there is a "Perfect" oil, and I believe they fall into several marketing strategies or engineering goals and is no particular order: 


1.) Performance first

2.) Regulation/Licensing first

3.) Profit/Margin first

4.) Ecology first

5.) I also believe there are blenders that try to straddle fences. 


I believe you can use any of them if the OCI is appropriate and oil matched to the service. I don't use Red Line in Dizzy, and I don't use SAE 40 Traveler in Pepper. That should take care of how much I personalize an oil. :idiot:


I think if you are thoughtful and not gullible you will realize that you may have to be viscosity selective depending on which flavor you pour into your cup because VISCOSITY is the MOST important aspect of your oil. And I mean the viscosity is right IN THE PLACE, AT THE TIME UNDER THE LOAD AND AT THE TEMPERATURE that is present.


KRL matters. HTHS is the best indicator most of us will have of that. Everything else is 'support staff'. 







Until next time hombre. We gotta keep entertaining so conflict like GREED is good………..for sales. image.png.ae4a7ec72f8c5c4effbbc91ab79284ab.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2024 at 10:54 AM, customboss said:

Ok grumpy B are you aware for sure what base oils are used in Phillips Petroleum owned and now  made Redline products? All of them? 


I needed to think on this awhile as this question requires a measured, accurate and thoughtful response. 


First the last question, "All of them". No. Just the HP line I use. 


How? By comparing physical properties. Pour points, flash points, NOACK, MRV, Oxidation levels in unused reference oils.  No single piece of information tells the story, but the cumulative results do. You know this so I assume this was a test. 😉   If, I ask for a final QC on my current lot, I get it. 


And here's a killer. There is no "Read Across". IF there were it would have the API Starburst. 


60 to 120 oxidation levels says Esters. 











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