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Cargo light mod help!

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Hey guys,


I think I blew it on the reverse light diode mod. My Cargo light won't turn off anymore.... the mod was working great until this morning.


The cargo and bed lights would turn on along with the reverse lights when I unlocked the truck. Now however, the cargo lights won't shut off. 


Will this drain my battery? Anyone know whats going on?

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18 minutes ago, Roscopcoletrain said:

have you removed the diode? 

Just went outside to see if the lights were still on. After 30 mins they were off... I'm going to replace the diode when i get home and see if that helps. Strange how it worked perfectly then stopped all of the sudden.

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I suggest doing your basic trouble shooting to include removing the diode and going stock on wiring to test cargo light..


As diodes are simple 1-way devices and  yours may have just bit the dust.

Replace possible defective unit and test again...

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