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Transfer case pump knock

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Hi community,


I have a 2014 Sierra 2500 4x4 with the 6.0 Gas.  I've read and watched some videos about known issues with older GM transfer cases have pump knock that leads to a hole in the case.  Is this an issue with 2014 2500s?


Thanks for insights. 


Edit:  I should note,  have not had an issue with my transfer case at this point.  Just want to know because I'm going to be taking apart the drivetran to upgrade the diffs and might as well bullet proof the transfer case if I'm doing the diff work.  I've done some more digging and found that GM switched to a new transfer case 07/08, MP1226XHD.  My rig has a corresponding RPO code of NQF.  Does this transfer case have the issue the older NP cases have?  Not alot out there about them. 

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