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Transmission issue, but only when cold

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Hey all,


2017 Silverado, 5.3/6spd.


My transmission issue only happens when I first drive the truck for the first time in the morning. The truck has to have been sitting overnight for this to occur.

After starting the truck and driving, the trans will "fish bite" or stutter when shifting from third to fourth. It will do this once, (maybe twice) and be good and problem free for the rest of the day.


Has anyone else experienced this? It only happens when the truck is first driven after sitting overnight. It's not really a major issue, as it doesn't happen again after the first time, but it's pretty annoying. This issue only occurs at light/part throttle, and my speed is around 25-30 mph. I do not notice any variances on the tach while this happens. Also, if I drive with more pedal/throttle, I will not experience this stutter.


I spoke with the dealer about this when I went in for my second free oil change, and they could not replicate the issue. During my first trip to the dealer, they downloaded a program update for the transmission. It helped overall, but the isolated problem is still present in the morning. 


I have read somewhere on this forum, that this was a "normal" occurance, and attempts to remedy should not be attempted. I believe that post mentioned that transmission fluid temperature played some part in this.


Any ideas or input? Thanks in advance!



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Steve / if it is only when engine is cold consider yourself lucky . My 2017 Silverado had it no matter what engine temp along with numerous other annoying and dangerous characteristics . They bought it back from me under the agreement I would purchase another truck .That was a mistake because my 2018 Sierra acts the same way .I brought it in 4 times and they did nothing . "drives as designed" is their catch all excuse . Well the design is flawed then and they need to stop production until they figure out how to build them right .

Funny on the fourth trip to have my sierra "fixed" I took out my first loaner . The reason I mention this is I see a pattern from the 3 vehicles . The loaner had around 140 miles on it when I picked it up . The fish bite chuggle was only slightly noticeable . After driving for a few days and 250 miles or so on the odometer it was just as bad as my  old 2017 and my new 2018 . My point is they know how to make them run smooth short term just long enough to get them off the lot . When I saw my new Sierra developing the same  problems I asked my local dealership about a trade for anything but these trucks . My truck had less than 150 miles on it and I had owned it less than a week . They gave me a trade in  "allowance" $14,000 less than I paid of course I turned it down . 

The Rep from GM was cold and nasty until I filed Lemon law now the next Level at GM seems to take me more serious because they know I have BBB working for me . GM is still dragging their feet on what they will do . All I wanted was for them to make my truck run properly .

When you buy a 50 plus thousand dollar vehicle you want to be excited and enjoy it .Next month will be a year that I've been dealing with this nightmare 

Edited by markp1958
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Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope GM steps up and does right by you.


With your truck, did they try replacing the trans fluid/filter? I was thinking of having the dealership do that on my next visit to see if it helps. Maybe aftermarket fluid?


Again, sorry about your experience. That is unacceptable, in my book. Thanks for your input.



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Steve I have the same problem with my 2017 Sierra I've had for 11 months. Software update did nothing. Just like you, it was worse when first driven from overnight or all day at work (8hrs). Now I drive 112 miles daily for work and my truck now has 33K miles on it......yep in 11 months, and it has gotten better but still exists.  My first GM but you have to live and learn is all I'm going to say.  I typically get rid of vehicles after the 3 yr mark just because I get bored so I'll stick this one out until then. 

FYI I've sold Chevy/Cadillac and didn't even know this problem existed, SMH. 

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Mine just hit 10K. I had this issue since day one. The software update helped smooth things out a little, but the cold start issue still remains. Other than this, I have zero issues with my truck. I was tossing around the idea of changing the trans fluid and filter to see if that makes any improvement. If I drive with anything other than light throttle, it will not do it. The problem only occurs when cold with light/part throttle.

I hate just "living with it", especially since it's only a year old. (and still well within warranty) Thanks Ken.

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I definitely experience this "fish bite" thing whenever the vehicles sits overnight until it warms up. Then it's gone. And like everyone else I experience it during light throttle, it goes away if I give it some gas. I takes about two minutes for this to go away, then it's warmed up and it's fine.


I'm not worried about it, but maybe I should?


I've found that a lot of these newer vehicles with 6-8 speed transmissions are a bit confused at times. Now if my transmission starts slipping??? It's headed right to the dealer, but this thing has been happening since I bought it new two months ago...I now have 7,000 miles on the thing already and I love it.The thing drives like a dream.

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You described exactly what I've been going through.I'm not really worried about it, but it is annoying. 

As I mentioned earlier, I was wondering if anyone had any positive results by changing out the trans fluid/filter.

I figure it couldn't hurt. I was going to have the dealer do it on my next visit using fluid that I would provide.

I was thinking about getting a tuner, but I honesly don't think it would help in this situation. I think this is a mechanical issue of some kind. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello I have a 2018 GMC Sierra with 1500 miles on it and have the fish bite hesitation  with light throttle sine 200 miles ,in the mornings and after sitting while I'm at work so basically when engine is cold, also when backing out of my drive way while engine is cold it will surge and rpms rev causing the truck to lunge hard . Dealers say they cannot duplicate but it's a every day thing !! I'm sure they say this because they are well aware of it . They even looked up the tsb where the 2017 did this . The loaner trucks I had while they had my truck also did this. Once it's a 1/4 way warmed up it's totally gone . Has anyone found a fix I'm thinking after the last 3 GM vehicle experiences I've had ...I'll roll the dice on the other brands . I'm sick thinking I just paid 40k on a truck that does this .

Edited by Eric J
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  • 1 month later...

Update I have been going back and forth with my dealer and GM about this issue. GM  finally called me back today and said the dealer agreed to do the triple flush as the TSB#pip5504a calls for. I really hope this helps the hesitation, and it's not some bad sensor on the engine because the rep at GM said that if it doesn't then it will just be chalked up as a characteristic of this transmission which is crap. One thing I have noticed is that when the weather was warmer the engine would idle high at first start like normal and slowly idle down . But now here in Ohio it's been around freezing in the am and the truck doesn't start out  high it's more like around 900 rpm and idles down faster which you would think that would be the opposite in colder weather right? And if doesn't seem as intense of a hesitation.....

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Something else to consider that I never even thought of until now, this fish bite sensation when the engine is cold may not necessarily be the transmission. It could be the engine. 


Direct injection engines suffer from preignition and engine knock when it's cold. The knock sensors could be peeling back on the timing, causing the jerky, sort of fish biting sensation. Then it warms up and goes away. 


But like ive said before, I've been experiencing this since my truck was new back in April (2018 Silverado 5.3). I now have 16,000 miles...no change for better or worse. The thing is driving excellent aside from this cold start issue. 


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Update , yes like said by others my issue is cold engine (set over night or a shift at work) some what lethargic while picking up speed then maintain speed of 25-30, 27 mph the worst 2-3 shift area it would buck- hesitate until 1\4 way warmed up... Have not gotten the trans flush done yet because we had a cold spell here in Ohio teens in the am and 40 degrees in afternoon and the truck had a cold start idle of only around 900 rpm and the hesitation was gone truck was perfect!!!!! ...Normally when it was hot out it would start at 1300 rpm and slowly idle down. Well the last 2 days it's been above 50 degrees out and the hesitation is back until truck is 1\4 way warmed up and the idle is back  up to around 1300 rpm with cold start!!!! Currently have 2,955 miles on the truck ....What the Heck is going on with this truck?


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Has anyone ever heard this sound when their truck is shifting gears? It’s almost like a grinding and howling sound and happens only when I’m accelerating. I think it is transmission related since it’s only when gears are shifting. I brought it to dealer but they could not replicate. I have a 2014 GMC Sierra 1500. 80,000 miles. I’m concerned the transmission is going to give when I have little time left on powertrain warrantee. 


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  • 2 months later...
On 10/31/2018 at 4:28 PM, Eric J said:

Update , yes like said by others my issue is cold engine (set over night or a shift at work) some what lethargic while picking up speed then maintain speed of 25-30, 27 mph the worst 2-3 shift area it would buck- hesitate until 1\4 way warmed up... Have not gotten the trans flush done yet because we had a cold spell here in Ohio teens in the am and 40 degrees in afternoon and the truck had a cold start idle of only around 900 rpm and the hesitation was gone truck was perfect!!!!! ...Normally when it was hot out it would start at 1300 rpm and slowly idle down. Well the last 2 days it's been above 50 degrees out and the hesitation is back until truck is 1\4 way warmed up and the idle is back  up to around 1300 rpm with cold start!!!! Currently have 2,955 miles on the truck ....What the Heck is going on with this truck?


Did you ever get this resolved? My 2015 Sierra is doing the same thing.

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