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How hard would it be

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I've had very little interest in my truck for sale (probably because of the price but I need to recoupe something!) and now have found out it may be deisreable to keep it and put a little more $ into it. Basically, it sounds like my wife and I may be able to live on a 400 acre horse ranch completely rent free just as long as we take care of the horses.


At any rate, that means a 15 mile one-way commute each day, in the best and worst of Montana's weather, so I cant rely soley on my Camaro year-round like I could if I stayed living 2 blocks from work.


Enough rambling..... It's an NP203 converted to part-time. Is it something a guy like me can do or is it something I should stay away from? I'm not an ASE Mechanic, but I do know my stuff for the most part.


Here's what I feel NEEDS to be fixed:

Front end vibration under load in 4x4 (Case, Front Shaft U-joints or Front axle problem)

Re-balance the rear-driveshaft.


Here's what I want to do and if I end up keeping it will end up doing:

Restore the interior

Rebuild the engine (more power *grunt grunt*)

Swap out the TH350 for a 700R4.


Or should I just give up on it, trade it in for a newer 4x4 for less than half of what I have into it and just cut my losses an move in?

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I’ve never rebuilt one, but I heard the drive chain is supposed to be a real PITA.


I would guess you have a bearing going out. Without the correct tools, those bearings can be a real bear getting out.


It's like :lol::):sigh::flag::mad::P

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:jester: If you don't want to keep it why bother. If you like the truck then restore it and keep it. The value may go up but will it pay back your time and money? personaly I will not buy a new truck and if I had the money to spend on one I would restore an old reliable.

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:jester: If you don't want to keep it why bother. If you like the truck then restore it and keep it. The value may go up but will it pay back your time and money? personaly I will not buy a new truck and if I had the money to spend on one I would restore an old reliable.

What I'm asking is if it is difficult to rebuild a case. That will detirmine whether it is worth it to bother keeping the truck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rebuilding the transfer case is fairly straight forward. Just get yourself a good service manual. You even might want to try and borrow one from a dealer. Some dealers will allow it. Take your time doing this. If you rush it, you WILL damage something (trust me I've done this before). When you disassemble the t-case, make sure you put everything in order the way it came out, that way it goes back together easily.

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