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Sounds like a bunch a rambling but all is what has been going on for 3 years now. In the past 4-5 months you get the run around. The vehicle has been at 2-3 different dealerships none of them are consistent which brings a person back to square one all the time getting no where. They dont take a file and follow what has been going on or look back on personal history cause every single time it is what is going on with the vehicle once again.


In response the the amxguy. Another member that must work for GM and typical response buy a new one the next one will work. Always excuses or some run around the issue b.s. They spent half the time with the mouth running instead of fixing a situation the truck would maybe be fixed. Slandering well not really when every single thing that went on there is the truth. You know there are people out there that maybe are not financially set which is sad to see that a company like that would put them out of a job because of being away from work so many times over the vehicle, not to mention lost time. So ya you are right there financially lots people cant afford to do it.


Pretty sad when you stick up for a company I seen straight up lie in situations and run items behind doors when a pile of evidence is sitting on there desk they refuse to look at. As well funny they have so many great reviews my ass. I seen after all the shitty review ratings on social media they now completely closed it off from the public deleting all the posts.


Lawyer, they said throw pile money at it and they will sit and play the same games going now. Delay, delay, delay.


Following a lot of what is going on here yes is hard to understand when you have 3 different customer care specialists, 3 dealerships, 2 engineers, and many phone calls.


I appreciate everyone's thoughts and responses here. Get a laugh at a lot of them being simple minded and uneducated. 3rd Denali actually, and business fleet of 10 Savana vans currently. When you see how you get shit on, and dealerships as well would love to take care of the fleet so I am told. I laugh since they cant handle more than one vehicle at a time. Not saying all there vehicles are shit, but I have on issue and they are a total deer in the headlights.

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I have nothing good to say about Gmc and there political puppet system when it comes to getting a vehicle fixed. They follow nothing you tell them along with the dealership which are completely useless. I have had issues with my 2014 Denali since day one. First issue was a body defect which they LIED right to my face after having meeting behind closed doors which was I was told not to be in the grounds at that time. After they trying forcing me in to insurance on my behalf keep in mind the truck had 900km on it saying I had damaged it I lost it. I then went multiple dealership lots around the city took and made a file which I dropped off with all the same issues and was told "were not obligated to speak about these vehicles at this time". Was never fixed, and could almost break tailgate handle off to this day if not careful is what I got left with. Anyone that trys to open it look at me and ask if it is locked. They have a system set up where you get no where, and want people to give up. I now had shifting issues for 3 years which the files shown my complaints progressively getting worse. I now been with this vehicle 3 years a new transmission has been installed with 2 engineers that cant figure it out. It now wont or may not get fixed till next summer apparently when they can fly another engineer out to what I was told alter the trucks computer while driving. I have all the video of the transmission spiking a 1000 rpm at times and when towing worse. It is as if the truck between shifts momentarily goes to neutral. Then they tried blaming on adaptive shifting, well then the vehicle was falsely represented from my last one that worked perfectly fine. This one was to be soooo much better but got worse and I am worried to tow with. Pretty sad when I went to another dealership explained situation and there advise again of course at my cost was "buy a new one and that one should be better". Wow, cause you cant fix this one I have to pay again to get one that does. To boot same word from word at a event that GM had there representatives at. Drop truck off and get a new one I was told you shouldn't have them problems again.


Buyer beware the amount of lost time at work, and vehicles you might have to buy two of because the first one doesn't work might financially sink a consumer. I asked them after going with test drives, dropping the truck off a bunch times, having a personal trailer attached, etc who pays for all my lost time and diagnosis? Well no one, ohh ok I just made 4 more payments and still is not fixed. Seems fair. Well actually 30 months of payments since my first complaint that no one looked in to, but a bunch of service representatives I can see getting replaced in the future with robots. Keep getting told we need to see a light on the dash, ok well how about my camera showing what is going on? Maybe we have 2 issues computer and mechanical cause the light is not on but the truck is struggling.


Try talking to an ambassador good luck. Most conversation started with them asking me what was going on and looking for information. I was really starting to wonder if I worked for General Motors as I had more information than they said they would get me. Then you get a different customer care person which was always a point of starting over. How may I help you and what is going on? Well the file I have explained 25 times now why not explain it again to get no where.


I guess once a company like this gets so big they don't care and can just crap all over the general population. Dealer loyalty events, HAAA. There is no loyalty other than signing on that line for you to follow everything they say, but they don't have to do anything.

Did you not test drive your truck before buying it?

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Had the truck for a few days before I bought it actually. Didnt start running the issues till about 9800km. It would only happen once in a while where now the it will happen multiple times daily. When summer hits even worse it will do it amost every shift when it is hot out.

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Can anyone translate? I don't speak Canadian.

Being Canadian myself and struggling to make it through that read, I find the fact that you're classifying all Canadians in this way pretty damn offensive and its completely uncalled for. Thanks. Lets keep comments related to the post and the poster, and not a nationality.

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Being Canadian myself and struggling to make it through that read, I find the fact that you're classifying all Canadians in this way pretty damn offensive and its completely uncalled for. Thanks. Lets keep comments related to the post and the poster, and not a nationality.

I apologize, didn't realize a sense of humor could freeze
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I'm Canadian and I found Novembervictor's comments funny. It is hard to be serious in this thread. GM is a huge organization and describing it as a scam artist is silly, imo. They have many "checks and balances" that you can use to your advantage. In my experience I have had to go up the chain with Ford and GM. It takes patience and calmness but a legitimate complaint will be dealt with fairly. It is the small organizations (ma & pa) that have the potential for scamming you.

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GMC wants you to be happy with their product. I know it's difficult at times but you gotta keep your composure and let them help you. Flying off the handle makes you look like a nut job, then they just want you out of their dealership.


After 3 years, it time for a trade in anyway.

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I'm Canadian and I found Novembervictor's comments funny. It is hard to be serious in this thread. GM is a huge organization and describing it as a scam artist is silly, imo. They have many "checks and balances" that you can use to your advantage. In my experience I have had to go up the chain with Ford and GM. It takes patience and calmness but a legitimate complaint will be dealt with fairly. It is the small organizations (ma & pa) that have the potential for scamming you.

Well...mom, pop, and their Nigerian prince cousin with a huge fortune he wants to generously give away.

I'm not Canadian, but I do see Canadians as a sibling or cousin...so, a bit a good natured ribbing never hurt.

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