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Diablo Sport Intune i2 $200


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This is a USED DiabloSport Intune i2 programmer. It is married to a vehicle- you will have to call Diablo Sport and have them reset it for $159 in order for it to program you vehicle. However, this is a deal considering they sell for $400+ shipping new. That's a savings of $41.


Shipping is free. It was used once on my 2014 Silverado.





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Well I hate to be "that guy", but just as some constructive criticism to help you sell this..... You might want to do some research as to the going rate for a used i2. On most of the gm truck forums I frequent these typically sell for $260-$300 unmarried. I feel in your case it's a rather hard sell to sell one married still. I bought mine used in the price range I previously stated. Which I'm about to put back on the market. Just my 2 cents, but good luck with the sale.

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