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Headlight Illumination Issues

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Drove home last night with my personal add on lights on one of my trucks. Seen 18 deer in a 3 mile drive. With original lights might have seen three. Waiting on dealer? Called twice and bulbs are ordered. Going on third week. If looking to buy again they would be calling every day. Two trucks, four bad headlights and two cheap radios.80k plus! Nice, warm, fuzzy feeling.

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The head lights are much better now I can see both shooulders on the road and much further down.


It was dark and raining/snowing this morning and I could see where I was going this moring.


Normally there would have been dark spots and it would look like the headlights were out.

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According to your documentation, you did not get the updated headlight bulbs installed in your truck. The documentation indicates that the bulbs ordered and installed are the initial OEM Philips bulbs which ARE NOT the update as per PIT5374 ~ PIT5374A .......

You definitely need to make another trip back to your service department .......




Which is awful since the paperwork actually states PIT5374...






And GM wouldn't be providing a different bulb if the old bulbs and the reprogram would give the desired improvement.


Wow.... I cannot believe they tried to pull a fast one on me. I can say the BCM update did help, alot. But I definitely agree I need the correct bulbs for maximum improvement. Otherwise, GM would have never said use the new bulbs, part number 23342527 made by ACDelco. I am about to call my dealership, AGAIN! Man this is so frustrating! Thank you all for noting the wrong bulb (Same bulb as before)


Thx again.

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I called my service department today and told them after looking at my invoice of the warranty work on the BCM calibration and the bulbs, I noticed the exact same bulbs were installed not the new ones.. He asked if he could call me right back. 10 minutes later he called and said you are correct, the OEM bulbs are the original ones. He said the parts guy must not have looked at the full bulletin and he apologized.


What I think happened, my truck was in there for the heated seats issue and the lights. They fixed the seats and realized those bulbs were on backorder. At that time I had a loaner truck. Instead of me keeping the loaner while they wait for the bulbs, they just put the same bulbs in seeing if I wouldn't notice. Well, thanks to you guys you caught the part number. I could see a difference after the BCM calibration. But it specifically calls for the ACDelco light.


They did order the lights and he mentioned they are on backorder. I did also tell them they may need to put in (2) separate orders for the bulbs b.c with them on backorder they only submit (1) at a time. I repeated that 2x to make sure I got that point across. He said they will call me when they come in.


I'll update once I get them installed.

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Yeah well it wasn't...so...if anyone who has the doc can scan all 4 pages for me so I can physically hand him the newest document that'd be great.


I can't print out shitty html pics and the pdf of the updated doc here is only two pages...so I've read every single page of this thread before I asked for a clean complete pdf. You two smarties can either help by scanning a document or go read the thread and find an outdated pdf, an incomplete updated pdf, and shitty html pictures...or you can read my posts and comprehend my dealer is autistic and even with the two doc and pit numbers they still can't get it.


Do you have any other questions? I can walk you through 3rd grade again if you'd like...



When I called my dealer I gave him the PIT5374 number that is in the pictures. He looked for that and could not find it. After a few minutes searching he comes back and tells me it is now PIT5374A and that is the number on my paper work as of today when I had this work done.


Document 4109395 or PIT5374A should be able to find what you need or as stated above go to another dealer.

Edited by Blue Sierra Owner
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My dealer had problems looking up the pit number but was able to find the document number. As of just over a week ago the "a" version was in fact correct. It took a few emails of the pics from this thread to the service advisor for them to find it. Seemed they were looking in some sort of a recall list section and were coming up short at first. Kept telling me they didn't see any recalls for my truck, but they did find it and ordered 2 bulbs.




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My dealer had problems looking up the pit number but was able to find the document number. As of just over a week ago the "a" version was in fact correct. It took a few emails of the pics from this thread to the service advisor for them to find it. Seemed they were looking in some sort of a recall list section and were coming up short at first. Kept telling me they didn't see any recalls for my truck, but they did find it and ordered 2 bulbs.




I don't believe dealers are being honest with people in this case. They are just giving the run around.


I sent a two sentence email to my dealer with the pit whatever number and the service advisor said done! Ordered.


I can't imagine a service advisor can't find anything related to new bulbs.

Edited by Dropsix
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I got mine installed today and what a difference! I checked before leaving the dealer and they were the right bulbs and seated correctly. I'm lucky that I have a great service department at my local dealer.


He said I was the first one they did and he hadn't heard of the TSB until I came in. They had a Sierra in a few weeks before for poor lighting and said they changed bulbs and finally the whole assembly trying to fix it for him but nothing worked. He said he called the other guy after talking to me and schedualed the other guy for this weekend too.


Thanks to everyone that contributed here there are now 2 happier Sierra owners!

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I don't believe dealers are being honest with people in this case. They are just giving the run around.


I sent a two sentence email to my dealer with the pit whatever number and the service advisor said done! Ordered.


I can't imagine a service advisor can't find anything related to new bulbs.

The document says something about some owners may complain about poor light output in rural areas...after I told them I almost hit a few deer because I didn't see them until I was right up on them while going no more than 15-20 mph on a back road; they said they found the document and ordered 2 bulbs. I think they are being something that's for sure lol!




Edited by SkeeterMcSkeet
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The document says something about some owners may complain about poor light output in rural areas...after I told them I almost hit a few deer because I didn't see them until I was right up on them while going no more than 15-20 mph on a back road; they said they found the document and ordered 2 bulbs. I think they are being something that's for sure lol!




Yeah I doubt there's a secret password that needs to be mentioned before they can find it. Seems to me it's right there in front of them.


"He said the word deer. Oh boy now we have to order them. It's that deer tsb"

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