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Headlight Illumination Issues

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ha ha funny, havent seen "GM Customer service" in a while

I've never seen where they acknowledged the lighting issue even once. Might have missed it, but don't think so?

Edited by Ventilator
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Im not about to Bash GM, im a loyal customer and every vehicle has its quirks that need to be worked out.


ive noticed that even on other forums they just go into threads where they can try to assist 1 single person who is having a issue. they take their vin in a PM, and create some sort of record for the complaint.

they wont touch anything that is a safety concern, even if you send them a PM with a link to the thread.

they wont give out solutions online or even admit to there being a issue, they will send you to a specific dealership and if they cant sort out your complaint then they will send a specialist out to take a look.

most likely just social media marketing grads who got a work from home job.


its great that GM is reaching out and i honestly cant blame them for handling online questions the way they do, but sometimes i would love to see them come in and post some actual info, recalls, part changes and service bulletin info.

hopefully these headlights get issued a service bulletin number and not just a part change.

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Sounds like this will at least help with the low beams, but does it do anything with the aim on the high beams? I have a feeling that's more a symptom of the projector lens design vice the bulb.


I know on mine, the high beams point to the tree tops. Aiming the high beams to be functional gets the low beams pointing right into the ground.

Edited by papcie03
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I'm wondering if the flash just makes the infotainment center a little dimmer and does nothing to make the new bulbs brighter. If you think about it that be the cheapest way to make us think they are actually fixing it.

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I called GM and they told me to speak with the dealership and when I spoke to them, they had no clue what I was asking. So does anyone know what the part # is, or some kind of documentation about it? Some type of proof of life so I can go to the dealership with it and explain?

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No, you're out of luck on all that. No part number, no service bulletin ........ You have to start at the beginning with your dealer and lodge a complaint about indequate headlights. No shortcuts ....... Other folks are also working on this for their trucks. Until, hopefully, a GM "fix"or update, or service bulletin becomes available, you will have to do all the leg work for your truck...... Dealer, GMC customer assistance, ect., ect., ........document your trail and complaints ........

At this time, no other way .......

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No, you're out of luck on all that. No part number, no service bulletin ........ You have to start at the beginning with your dealer and lodge a complaint about indequate headlights. No shortcuts ....... Other folks are also working on this for their trucks. Until, hopefully, a GM "fix"or update, or service bulletin becomes available, you will have to do all the leg work for your truck...... Dealer, GMC customer assistance, ect., ect., ........document your trail and complaints ........

At this time, no other way .......


Thanks I guess I will have to, i have an oil change this saturday so I will fill a compliant then about it.

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