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lease help??

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I'm just wondering, My dad passed away last week and he has a 14 F150 leased, has anyone ever had to turn one in under these circumstances? just curious the process, its Ford Credit, I know we r a GM forum, but I imagine the process is similar

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Sorry for the loss. Not sure of the details, but when my uncle passed away while leasing a ford my aunt was able to turn it back in. Not to sound morbid, but you will need about 10x more death certificates than you think, everybody seems to need one.

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Sorry for the loss. Not sure of the details, but when my uncle passed away while leasing a ford my aunt was able to turn it back in. Not to sound morbid, but you will need about 10x more death certificates than you think, everybody seems to need one.

Ya we already upped the amount lol,

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Sorry for your loss brother. Rip to your father.


Just like any finance there is a pay off at end of lease.

I would find out what payoff is and see if there is any equity. The contact ford credit.

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Sorry for your loss. Contact Ford credit and see what the options are. Depending on how the lease is written (who all signed the contract), you might be able to just drop it off at the dealer.

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Sorry about your father. I lost my dad last year, and I know it's tough.


As for the lease if you can't get out of it based on the agreement signed, you might request a payoff and compare to current market value. A local dealer might be able to buy it or sell it for you. My mom sold my dad's truck (it was paid off however) to the local Chevy dealer. They gave her a fair price and she didn't have to have the expense of a second vehicle that she didn't need.


Also, it might be good to pose this question on an F-150 forum as those guys would be most familiar with how Ford Credit structures their leases.


Either way, good luck and I hope it works out with as little problem as possible.

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